You Won’t Find the Right Mattress in San Diego Unless You Consider These

There are so many kinds of mattresses that you might be overwhelmed when it comes to shopping for one. Do you want a firm one, or a soft one? Do you need springs or not? Is memory foam the best choice for you, or is latex better? Rest easy, for here is a short list of things to pay special attention to when shopping for a mattress. Shopping for a mattress in San Diego will be a breeze.

Remember that shopping for a mattress is a big investment, so you need to be sure you make the right choice. Since it is not a frequent purchase, you probably don’t know what to look out for. That’s where this list comes in to help.

Budget properly

You need a new mattress, but it doesn’t need to set you back beyond your means. Know how much you can spend, and plan accordingly. Spring mattresses tend to be on the cheaper side, while more exotic and durable materials cost more. You can expect the quality and durability of the mattress to depend heavily on the price. The cheaper end of the scale will only cost you a few hundred dollars, but it is also likely to only last a few years. More expensive ones can cost upwards of a thousand dollars, but their estimated durability is ten to twenty years.

Pick the right material

Ordinarily, there are three types of mattress filling: polyfoam, memory foam and latex, in the ascending order of durability (and cost). To figure out which one you need, here is a short rundown of all three types.

Polyfoam is used for the cheapest type of mattresses, and is sometimes recommended only for beds for occasional use (like guestbeds). If you go this way, know that the density of the foam will affect the durability of the mattress.

Memory foam is a type of polyfoam, which can mold itself and restore its previous shape once you leave the bed. This makes it more durable than the regular polyfoam. It still needs to be of proper density to be durable and comfortable, though.

Latex is the newest, and the most durable material for mattress production. It can be made of natural latex or synthetic one, with natural being better for obvious reasons.

Bring the pillow you sleep on

This goes without saying, but test out every mattress you consider buying. Give each of them five to ten minutes of your time. That’s the amount of time it takes for you to relax when lying down. The mattress itself is responsible for most of your sleeping comfort, but the pillow you use has a lot to do with it as well. If your pillow works for you, you should bring it with you to the store, so you can match it to the suitable mattress. If you don’t like your pillow, you can get one at the store as well. On a side note, you should probably wear clothes similar to the ones you sleep in, just to get the closest feeling possible. Don’t be too self-conscious about staying at the store for so long, or lying in bed in public. You might regret your squeamishness if you don’t choose the right mattress for yourself.

Firmness is relative, but important

Stores usually sort their mattresses into soft-medium-firm spectrum, but it isn’t uniform in all stores. What one calls medium soft, another might call extra soft and so on. Take these marks with a pinch of salt, but do consider them as broad guidelines, as your mattress firmness might be important.

Know your sleeping position

The way you sleep is very important to the type of mattress you need. If you sleep on your side, you have two pressure points, your shoulder and your hip. Consider a softer kind of mattress. On the other hand, if you sleep on your stomach, avoid soft mattresses to prevent neck and back pains. And if you sleep on your back, your mattress preference is the only guide you need.

Hopefully, this has shed some light on the intricacies of mattress shopping. If you are looking for a mattress in San Diego, look no further than Mattress Makers. Their sustainable, organic production will keep even the most avid environmentalists happy, and the prices are going to surprise you, as they come straight from the factory to you, with no middlemen.



Latex Mattress Overview

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