Parasites: the Unwelcome Guests in our beds

Dust mites - Mattresses in San DiegoThis topic is somewhat unsavory, since we are naturally repulsed by the idea of various insects and similar animals crawling in our beds, especially while we are sleeping in them. Luckily, all of these pest problems are easily solvable, and with a good mattress, you really have nothing to worry about.

And if you believe it is time to swap out your old mattress for a new one, try the best mattresses in San Diego, proudly presented by Mattress Makers. All types and sizes of mattresses can be found in our San Diego showroom.


The most common human parasite, the louse, \has been with the human race since its inception most likely. This parasite comes in three varieties, depending on the region of the body it attacks. We are most familiar with the head louse, which chooses our head hair as its dwelling, which provides ample place to hide and lay eggs. The second type is the pubic louse, which are also known as ‘crabs’. You can infer from its name that it chooses the pubic region as its domain. Finally, there is the body louse. This particular type doesn’t have a specific region it attacks, but rather lives in our clothes or beds, and attacks when we are asleep. All three types of lice have one thing in common- they feed on blood. And as if that weren’t bad enough, they are known to carry various diseases in their bodies, which can be transferred to their victims. Typhoid fever, trench fever and relapsing fever are among the most common illnesses carried by these nasty parasites. Luckily, there are very effective chemical treatments for exterminating lice nowadays.


The epitome of bed parasites, bedbugs are extremely unpleasant. They cower from light in any cracks they can find, be it in the walls, floors, or even inside your mattress. These nocturnal parasites also feed on blood, and they locate their prey, i.e. you, by your body heat and the CO2 which you exhale. These horrible parasites have two proboscises (tubes). One of these injects you with an anti-coagulant and an anesthetic, so you can’t feel the sting, while the other one sucks the blood. The itching only begins a few days later, so by the time you realize you have an infestation, the bugs have fed on your blood for at least a couple of days. Getting rid of them is not as easy and straightforward as with lice, though.

House dust mites

To end on a slightly lighter note, dust mites are by far the least aggressive and dangerous creatures on this list. Even though they are not parasites, they are omnipresent in indoor environments, and can cause allergies and asthma. They feed on organic waste, such as our skin flakes and hair. They are drawn to older mattresses, as there is plenty of food and shelter for them there.

These parasites have plagued humans for generations. But with better hygiene and better mattresses, we can at least minimize the likelihood of an infestation. Getting rid of an old mattress is a good start towards a healthier environment. When shopping for mattresses in San Diego, your first and only stop should be Mattress Makers. Contact today to learn more about the right kind of mattress for you.

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