Yoga Poses to Induce Sleep

Yoga can help you with all sorts of things, but many people don’t know how beneficial it can be for getting a good night’s sleep. So, try combining one of your mattresses in San Diego with the following yoga poses, and eliminate that pesky insomnia.

Pigeon pose

While on your fours, gently pull your right knee, placing it behind your right wrist. Then, angle your right foot to the left. Your left leg goes back. Place a comfortable pillow on the left side of your right leg. Lie belly-down on the pillow, and allow your arms to relax. Do the same with your head, and inhale deeply. This pose will provide external rotation and flexion of the hips, leaving you more agile, ready to dive into the best of the mattresses in San Diego.

Standing forward fold

Your feet need to be six to seven inches apart, and you need to fold your torso from the hip. Reach to the ground, or bend your arms and grab the opposite elbow. Slowly exhale, and hold for about 15 seconds. This pose increases the blood flow to the head, while also relieving tension from the legs and hips. It’s a good trick to fall asleep quickly.

Happy baby

Start by lying on your back, lifting your legs and bending your knees, with your feet flexing upward. Grip the big toes, and continue bending your knee towards your armpits. Try rocking from left to right, gently massaging your spine. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. This realigns and stretches the spine, while also releasing your hips. Nothing better after a lengthy day at work.

Plow pose

Lie on your back, using the abdominal muscles to put your legs over your head until you start touching the floor with your toes. If you are struggling to touch the floor, try doing this pose against a wall. If possible, intertwine your fingers behind the back and stretch your arms slowly. If not, place your arms at the sides, palms downwards. This pose helps with stretching your neck and back muscles, relaxing your entire body and reducing tension.

Figure four

Go on your back and extend your legs in front of you. Lift your right leg, bending the knee, and hugging your leg towards your chest for about five seconds. Raise your left leg as much as you can, and bend your right knee away from you. Pull your right ankle toward your left quad. Place your hand behind your left leg, and pull it towards your body. This pose helps you stretch your glutes, thus releasing tightness.

Cobra pose

Begin by climbing into your bed, and lying on one of the best mattresses in San Diego. After lying down with legs lightly apart and stretched, place your arms besides you, with your palms facing upwards. Simply close your eyes and focus on the breathing. Hold for quarter of a minute, or until falling asleep. By focusing on the breathing, your body relaxes naturally, paving the way to sleep.

Use yoga before falling asleep in the best mattresses in San Diego

Mattress Makers have the best quality mattresses for you to get the sleep time you need. And you deserve only the best to go with your nightly yoga routine. Don’t ruin a quality exercise by settling for less. Call us.

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