13 Things About Sleep You May Not Have Known

sleepy bear

Sleep is wonderful. I have never met a person who did not like sleep.

Wait a minute, I take that back, my 1.5 year old and 3 year old daughters don’t like sleep but I think it’s just a phase they are going through.

And now that I have kids I have much more respect for sleep.

Being that I love sleep so much I thought it would be neat to share 13 little sleep facts you may not have know.

1)  Humans spend a third of their life sleeping. That comes out to be around 25 years. (No wonder why it’s so important to invest in a high quality mattress).

2)  Parents of new babies miss out on 6 months of sleep in the first 2 years of their child’s life.

3)  Sleeping less than 7 hours each night can affect your performance during the day. (The average adult need between 7.5-9 hours of sleep each night).

4)  Lack of sleep can cause weight gain of 2 pounds in under a week.

5)  A snail can sleep for 3 years.

6)  It’s impossible to sneeze while you sleep.

7)  Sleeping on the job is acceptable in Japan as it is seen as a sign of commitment and hard work (that’s what I have been telling my two brothers Pablo and Sam when I’m sleeping in the mattress store).

8)  Half of British pilots admit to falling asleep in the cockpit. (I will definitely not be flying on British Airways anytime soon).

9)  Exercising regularly makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sounder sleep as long as it is not right before going to bed.

10)  Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise

11)  Some deaf people make sign language in their sleep.

12)  Dysania is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning (so when you are late to work just tell your boss you have been diagnosed with Dysania).

13)  Before alarm clocks were invented there were “knocker-ups” who went tapping on client’s windows with long sticks until they were awake (I wonder who woke up the “knocker-ups”).

If you thought this was interesting and you learned something new, please like and share with your pals as I am sure they would like to know these random facts on sleep too.

Or if you want to be that guy or gal at the party who knows and blurts out random information you probably won’t want to share this with them since this will be old news to them.

In that case write us a comment and tell us you like it since we have this deep need of being liked ;).

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