Aspects to Consider When Looking for Adjustable Bases for King Beds

Adjustable bases have amazing health benefits, so opting for adjustable bases for king beds is certainly the way to go. However, pay attention to the following when trying to find a suitable base.


Be sure to ask the supplier what the delivery procedure for adjustable bases for king beds is. Although this might not sound as important as some other aspects, it is actually the first thing to think about.

Adjustable bases are a great addition to your bedroom, but the assembly process can get complicated, especially for novice buyers. If you are buying such a base for mobility reasons, you will definitely want it assembled by professionals at your home. Always ask about assembly before buying the perfect companion for your mattress.

How easy it is to use

If you want an electric adjustable base for your bed, take a look at the control options, not just the frame of the bed. The buttons need to be easy to use, especially if you’re experiencing mobility problems.

If you plan on sharing the bed with your partner, dual controls are also a greatly appreciated option. With dual controls, you can adjust both sides of the bed independently, which means neither you nor your partner will experience late night disturbances. Both of you can adjust the side you’re sleeping on, without waking the other up.

The aesthetics

When people think about adjustable bases for king beds, the first image is usually that of a distorted and unappealing bed base. Well, who says adjustable bases can’t be stylish?

With the increase in popularity, there is also an increase in visual appeal. Adjustable bases are no longer like the ones you see in hospitals. There are hand-crafted alternatives, which can fit right into even the minimalist bedroom. They might be a tad pricier than the regular ones, but sometimes that extra splurge is worth it.

Warranty length and coverage

Besides the initial price, you have to take the potential long-term costs into consideration as well. Warranty length varies from supplier to supplier. So carefully ask about it first.

Also, different suppliers offer different types of warranty coverage. Some offer warranty on specific parts of the base, such as the handset and the motor, while others do not. For peace of mind, find out the specifics of the warranty offered by the supplier, and see if they suit your needs.

The furniture you already own

Don’t jump the gun and buy an adjustable base before thinking about the bed frame you already own and how it would fit it. And we don’t just mean the measurements.

The bed frame has to be able to support the base you want to put on it. For example, the sturdiness of some platform beds may be insufficient to support both the latex mattress and the adjustable base.

The mattress

Lastly, we come to the matter of checking whether your existing mattress would a good match for the adjustable base you want to buy. Your everyday innerspring mattress may not be a good choice, as its sturdier construction makes it less internally bendable. Damage to the base and mattress can occur in this instance.

The best choice of mattress would be either a latex mattress, or a memory foam one. Both are extremely flexible, and they can easily mold to the base, achieving the desired shape.

We have the best adjustable bases for king beds

Not only do we have the best mattresses in the market, but we also have the best adjustable bases for king beds and other bed sizes. Mattress Makers is the premium manufacturer of mattresses and bed bases, and we’re sure you will find what you’re looking for. Stop by our store today and see our stock!

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