Why Shopping at Mattress Stores in San Diego, CA Beats Shopping Online

As tempting as shopping online sounds, and not having to leave the comfort of your home, there are many reasons for visiting one of the mattress stores San Diego CA.

Try it before you buy it

Shopping for a mattress online, all you have to go on is the price and the word of the online retailer. Few online sellers have mattress stores in San Diego CA where you can try out the desired mattress. In a store, you can lie down on the mattress, and see for yourself if the fit is right.

What’s more, chances are you are going to be far more satisfied with the choice of the mattress after visiting a mattress store. Quite simply, what you see is what you get, which is not always the case online. Don’t risk a pig in a poke.

Delivery perks

It’s good to know when the chosen mattress will be delivered. Online mattress retailers can never give you a precise delivery time, only a close estimate, and it can vary from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Most local mattress stores in San Diego, CA can give you a more precise idea of when it will be delivered.

Also, full service delivery is something you simply cannot expect from an online mattress store. They do deliver, but only to the front door, or the front of the building in some cases. Reputable store retailers will not only deliver the mattress to your room, but also set it up.

Finally, most online mattress retailers do not take away your old mattress upon delivering the new one. One more thing you would have to do yourself.

Don’t like it? Return it!

Return policies for online retailers can range from fairly complicated to complete pain-in-the-neck situations. When it comes to proper mattress stores, return policies are classic, reliable, and quick. Definitely something that will put your mind at ease, as nothing can guarantee you will be satisfied with the new mattress after a couple of nights.

Personal assistance

Nothing can replace an in-person interaction with a seller who knows what they’re talking about. Not all buyers know exactly what they are shopping for, and assistance from a professional can really make a difference. This kind of assistance is simply not available online. Yes, you can read reviews and post questions, but answers don’t come right away.

Kids? No problem!

You’re sitting at your computer, trying to decide what mattress to buy, only to have your kid break your train of thought. Why not go to a mattress store and bring your child? We at Mattress Makers have a designated kid’s area, with toys, books, an old school nintendo, and even a Netflix subscription to keep your little one entertained while you choose the perfect mattress.

Get out of your chair and into the best among mattress stores in San Diego, CA

Mattress Makers invites you to go old school shopping, and we promise you won’t regret it. Bring the whole family, make a shopping experience out of it. Our staff is helpful, never pushy, and always on your side to help find the perfect mattress for you. Note that our mattresses are handmade and delivered straight from the factory to you. Stop by today!

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Yoga Poses to Induce Sleep

By adminN | April 12, 2018

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Tips for a Perfect Minimalist Bedroom

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You’ve just bought a new latex hybrid mattress, but it just doesn’t seem to work with your bedroom. Well, if you want to freshen things up a bit, and you’re thinking of going minimalist, here’s some advice to get you started. Get rid of excess furniture First thing you should do is remove any unnecessary … Read more

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Warm Baths Help you Sleep, and This is how

By adminN | April 5, 2018

One of the easiest and best methods for improving the quality of sleep is actually a simple one – taking a warm bath before going to bed. Couple that with a new mattress from the best of San Diego mattress stores, and you’re golden.