Talalay Latex VS Dunlop

dunlop-vs-talalayIf you are in the market for a latex mattress the biggest question you probably want to know is what’s the difference between Talalay and Dunlop.  I am sure you have already went over to the google machine and started some research of your own.  If you have, you may be getting conflicting information about which is better.


On one hand you have all the Talalay supporters stating their case why they think Talalay is better and on the other side you have the Dunlop supporters saying Dunlop is better.  While their argument is going on you are caught in the middle of them just trying to find out what are the differences between the two. From the sound of their arguments you would think they were talking about their preferred political party or some pressing social issue.


I don’t blame you if you have second thoughts on buying a latex mattress since I am sure you don’t want to be associated with those Latex freaks.  Well, before you reconsider I am here to give you the differences between the two and also share the advantages and disadvantages of both.  At the end, I will also go over which method I prefer.  So let’s get started.


Talalay Latex


Talalay is one of the processes in which a Latex mattress is made and should not be confused with synthetic latex or all natural latex.  It is a seven-step process, which makes it more complex than that of Dunlop. The steps of the Talalay process are:


1)    First it is whipped into a frothy liquid

2)    Next the liquid is poured precisely by robotic arms into the mold

3)    Then the mold is closed and gets vacuum sealed so that the Latex gets distributed evenly

4)    It is then chilled to -20 degrees

5)    After which, CO2 is introduced to gel the Latex foam

6)    It is then heated to 220 degrees to cure the Latex final shape

7)    Lastly it is washed and dried



Advantages of Talalay


  • More breathable than Dunlop due to the manufacturing process
  • Wider range of ILDs. However, Talalay is still softer than Dunlop even if they are both labeled as the same ILD.
  • Conforms to the body better since it is more “airy”
  • More consistent feel throughout the mattress
  • Usually better having Talalay in the comfort layer due to its “pushiness”
  • Softer



Disadvantages of Talalay


  • More expensive than Dunlop
  • Softer
  • Less dense



Dunlop Latex


The Dunlop method has been used since 1929.  The Dunlop process is about four times quicker to manufacture than Talalay.  The steps of the Dunlop process is as follows:


  1. First the Latex liquid is emulsified
  2. Next it is poured into the mold
  3. The mold is then closed and gets cooked evenly
  4. Finally the Latex is removed from the mold and is washed and dried


Advantages of Dunlop


  • More dense
  • Less Expensive
  • Usually better used as the support layer in the mattress due to its density
  • Firmer


Disadvantages of Dunlop


  • Not as breathable
  • Inconsistent feel throughout the mattress due to the particles settling at the bottom
  • Firmer


Although it looks like Talalay is the better method of the two, you have to find out what is best for you.  You may like the firmer feel and choose to go with the Dunlop process.  My preferred combination is having a Dunlop core with the comfort layers being Talalay.  The reason I like it that way is because Dunlop is more dense it gives me that firmer support while I can still benefit from the plush feel of Talalay on the top layers.

The feeling of a good night's sleep is incomparable. You get to wake up feeling revitalized, energized and ready to take on the day. Did you know that up until now you have probably spent over 25% of your life sleeping? This makes your bed one of the most important pieces of furniture in your household. However, it is your latex hybrid mattress that offers appropriate softness and flexibility to help keep your spine in its natural position. A good mattress goes a long way towards mitigating back pain and improving your general health. It improves your memory, helps you gain sharp focus, mental alertness, a healthy weight, curbs inflammation, spurs creativity, and improves productivity and athletic grades while adding years to your life. These are some of the reasons why you need to invest in a high-quality mattress. Allergies An old mattress accumulates dust, mites and other allergens over the years. This can cause a flare up of your allergies. If vacuuming your mattress and cleaning your bedding using hot water does not seem to do the trick, this is a clear indication that you need to invest in a new high-quality mattress. Improves your memory Comfort is key to a good night sleep. Studies show that people who get adequate sleep do better on tests and learn new things such as languages faster than those who don't. This is because when you get restorative sleep, your brain gets time to practice the things that you learned throughout the day. Protects your spine Your spine works throughout the day to ensure your body is well coordinated. For this reason, it needs adequate rest to stay strong. Sleeping on an old mattress or one that is of poor quality puts your back at risk of muscle fatigue and other back problems. Sleeping on a good quality mattress allows your body to rest in its natural position, relax your muscles and ensures you get sufficient sleep that is refreshing. Decreases appetite Lack of sleep has been associated with an increase in hunger and appetite, which eventually leads to obesity. Sleep loss stimulates the craving for high carbohydrate and high-fat foods. A good night’s sleep, on the other hand, can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Reduces stress A restless night leads to stressful days. If you sleep on a poor quality mattress, you probably wake up with aches and pains in your body. This is because the bed does not give your body sufficient support when you lie down to sleep. This, in turn, leads to stress related factors such as headaches and being in a bad mood throughout the day. Your mattress is your personal choice There is no one-size-fits-all mattress. Different mattresses fit different body types and height. Buying the wrong mattress can lead to physical pain. When purchasing your mattress, always ensure that it provides you with optimal comfort. We’ve got you covered A good quality mattress is key to living a healthy life. At Mattress Makers, we are all about restful and restorative sleep. Our decade long experience makes us masters of our craft. We pride ourselves on our high-quality mattress selection that includes latex hybrid mattress and natural hybrid mattresses that are organic and chemical-free and that fit a variety of budgets and preferences. Visit our store to explore our finest collection or contact us for more details.

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