The Pros and Cons of Memory Foam

San Diego mattress stores - latex or spring coil

Latex Mattresses vs. Spring Coil Mattresses

By adminN | April 19, 2017

Have you already been on a tour around San Diego mattress stores? Whether you are scrounging information up to make a good shopping decision or whether you are simply interested to know the difference for some future consideration, read on. Here are the most important points. The basics First off, you should be aware that … Read more

San Diego Mattress Store - Dog Bed

What Your Dog Sleeps on Counts!

By adminN | April 19, 2017

Some statistics say that there are 78 million dogs in the USA and that around 44% of all American households have a pooch. We’re a dog-loving nation! It’s no wonder we also spend a good deal of our family budget on our furry friends. The same statistics source also cites that average dog owners spend … Read more

How Does Daylight Saving Time Affect our Sleep?

By adminN | March 30, 2017

On March 12th the USA changed its clocks one hour forwards. Instead of 2 AM, it was changed to 3 AM, essentially robbing us of one hour of quality sleep. So what is daylight saving and why does it exist? More importantly, does it affect our sleep and how? We can all agree that sleep … Read more