Why Choose a Double Sided Mattress

There are many reasons why you should consider looking for a quality double sided mattress for sale, and here are just some of them.


Mattress manufacturers often say that a non-flippable mattress can last just as long as a double sided mattress for sale.

While it is correct that the mattress manufacturing process has come a long way, the life span of double sided mattresses is still as much as two times longer than that of single sided ones.

Possessing the ability to flip your mattress on a regular basis diminishes the possibility of body impressions forming on the mattress.

Also, as most double sided mattresses are made using a coil system which creates the center of the mattress, the entire construction is sturdier, making for a more resilient sleeping surface.


Single sided mattresses are usually a bit less expensive. But, the initial price of the product is not the only thing to consider when searching for a perfect double sided mattress for sale.

Yes, you might pay a bit more in the beginning, but just think how much money you are going to save by not having to replace your mattress as quickly as you would a single sided one.

Also, not all double sided mattresses are as expensive as people may think. Some are just a fraction more than their one sided counterparts, with no difference in quality.


This is one of the most frequently disputed facts about double sided mattresses. People either claim that the single sided mattress is superior in terms of comfort, or that there is no difference at all.

However, double sided mattresses offer greater usable sleeping surface. This comes from the way they are built. Because they need to have two sides, the surfaces are thicker and wider.

Also, greater sleeping comfort is connected to the sole fact that it has two sides. If one side begins to develop body impressions, simply flip it for a good-as-new sleeping environment.

It’s greener

Taking into consideration the greater life span of double sided mattresses, it becomes clear that they are, in fact, rather green.

Yes, manufacturing double sided mattresses also uses natural resources. However, as they last longer, it means that those ever precious resources are not used as often. And, by correlation, fewer resources are used in the production.


Most modern flippable mattresses have different firmness levels, meaning that each of the sides is different.

This makes a double sided mattress for sale extremely versatile, as you can choose the firmness that suits you best.

What’s more, buyers say that these mattresses are perfect for guest rooms. Different people are used to different mattresses, and with a double sided one, you can create a perfect guest environment for anybody.

If you’re looking for the best double sided mattress for sale, come to us!

Mattress Makers offers a selection of different double sided mattress types, and we are certain you will be able to find the perfect one for your needs. Visit us in the store, and let our pleasant and professional staff help you out!

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