Do I Need A New Mattress?


Is the Pope Catholic? No just kidding… it all depends.

If your mattress looks anything like the picture listed in this article then the answer is a definite yes.

If it doesn’t then what you will want to do is evaluate how your body feels after a night’s rest.

Are you waking up with aches and pains or better yet, are you having a rough time getting comfortable in your bed?

If you answered yes to either one then it may very well be time for a new mattress.

However, if not that still doesn’t mean you don’t need to replace you mattress.

I remember growing up one of my friends could sleep on anything.

It didn’t matter if the springs were coming through the mattress, he was still some how able to sleep comfortably through the night and wake up feeling good.Do I Need A New Mattress-

Another way to tell if you need to buy a new mattress is to see how it looks without any sheets and covers on the mattress.

Inspect your mattress for any lumps or check to see if it is sagging.

If it is then that tells us that it is not providing your body with the necessary support even if you are able to have a good night sleep like my old buddy was able to.

The next thing to do is check to see if the interior of the mattress is exposing itself.

If a spring is sticking up out of the mattress where you sleep then it’s definitely time for you to buy a new mattress.

Other than my friend, who would want to sleep with a spring sticking out of their mattress and it digging into their back?

I know I don’t.

However, if there is just a little tear around the edges or the corner of the mattress then it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to buy right now it just means the time to replace your mattress is right around the corner.

So, if you can answer yes to any of those reasons stated above then perhaps it’s time to start looking for a new mattress.

And when that time comes, be picky about what you buy because that is where you will be spending most of your time.

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to mattress shopping don’t worry we got you covered with our FREE mattress guide you can download and follow when looking for a new mattress to make sure you find the right one. Just click on the picture below.

Mattress Shopping Guide

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