What Your Dog Sleeps on Counts!

San Diego Mattress Store - Dog BedSome statistics say that there are 78 million dogs in the USA and that around 44% of all American households have a pooch. We’re a dog-loving nation! It’s no wonder we also spend a good deal of our family budget on our furry friends. The same statistics source also cites that average dog owners spend a little over $1,600 a year to take good care of their pets. Pet expenditure has been on a marked and steady rise for decades now. But, are we buying the right stuff for our four-legged friends?

The point in question is – what does your dog sleep on? We’re asking because, being a trusted local San Diego mattress store, we are experts on beds and mattresses of any kind. So, did you just throw an old blanket or rug in the corner of the room? Did you just buy a dog bed that complemented your home décor? Or did you buy one because it seemed cute?

A number of dog lovers advocate that dogs are animals and shouldn’t be humanized. They maintain that we shouldn’t suffocate their animal instincts by over-pampering them with specifically designed dog beds. While it is true that dogs descended from wolves, we have to acknowledge that they have been domesticated and kept in domestic conditions for almost countless centuries. Secondly, even wolves have dens and are used to sleeping in a place of their own. So, it’s in the dogs’ instincts to have their own place to bunk in.

Why is a dog mattress important?

A dog bed with a quality dog mattress is an investment well-worth it. Here’s why.

Dogs are territorial, some more so than others. If they have a bed of their own, they have their haven, their personal space where they can relax and feel protected. A bed just for them sends a message that they have a place in the family. And if that bed is comfortable, it’s much more likely that your dog will leave your bed alone. The American Pet Product Association, which presented the statistics mentioned in the beginning of the article, have also found that almost half of dogs sleep in their owner’s bed.

Cleanliness can be an issue if you have a dog who sheds a lot, or one that leaves around a lot of dander. When dogs have their own bed, chances are higher that the hair, dander, and odor, will be concentrated in one place, away from your bed or upholstery.

A quality comfy bed protects against injuries. Sleeping on hard surfaces over a long period of time can cause sores in your dog, which can go unobserved for quite a while. If you have a dog that is old, suffers from joint problems or has a predisposition for this kind of ailment, a high quality bed is a must.

In both cold and hot climates, a dog bed will provide much needed insulation. If your dog can’t sleep well, it will invariably reflect on their behavior. Living in California, you know that nights can also be hot, preventing you from falling into a regenerating sleep.

What should you look for in a doggie bed?

If you decide to get a bed for your dog the right way, you want it to be:

  • Durable
  • Big enough
  • Supportive
  • Hypoallergenic

If you buy a high-quality doggie bed, you don’t have to think about it for years to come. You also wouldn’t like to get a bed that would wear down quickly. Dogs grow fond of the familiarity of their bed, just like we do.

Concerning the size, it’s probably best to measure your dog and then add five or more inches in length and width to get the perfect size. It’s because dogs will sprawl when lying, stretching in all directions, and you don’t want a bed that can’t support your dog’s sleeping positions.

Support is a crucial point for older dogs and those with arthritis or joint issues. What you want to avoid are beds in which your pooch will only sink. Those where the filling simply moves around are also problematic.

Hypoallergenic dog beds will stave off allergies or allergy outbreaks. Your furry friend is also likely to bring dirt into their bed, so you want a superior material that will not prove a hotbed for germs, mites and fleas.

Get a custom made superior quality mattress from a trusted San Diego mattress store

Mattress Makers are very old hands in this industry. We are a local family business with a long tradition, impressive portfolio and a burning passion for our craft. Get custom made mattresses of premium quality for your pooch – there is literally no mattress that is too small or big for us. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 858-566-4408 or visit our showroom and see for yourself why you won’t find a better mattress for your dog than that made by Mattress Makers.

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