Do I Need to Replace My Mattress?

Knowing when to replace your mattress is important as a mattress in excellent condition ensures a good night’s sleep. However, this isn’t always easy to tell and it gets even more complicated with boat mattresses.

If you spend time on a boat, you have to know more than just when to buy one of the new boat mattresses in San Diego. You also have to learn all there is about boat mattresses and how to stop mold from forming under it in order to catch some quality sleep on a boat. But, let’s first see when you should start thinking about replacing your regular mattress.

How do you know when you need to replace your mattress?How do you know when you need to replace your mattress

Mattresses are what makes you sleep well. Therefore, your mattress should always be in tip-top shape, and you should pay close attention and know when your mattress has to be replaced. But, how to know so?

Well, without the need to consult the experts at the Stanford Center for Sleep Medicine, we’ll try to give you an exhaustive list of all the signs that show that your mattress needs replacing, and, hopefully, with it in mind, you’ll never allow a bad mattress to cost you your sleep again!

Assessing the quality of your sleep

The first thing you should pay attention to is how well you’ve been sleeping lately. If you start noticing that your sleep is deteriorating more and more with each passing month, it’s high time you thought about replacing your mattress.

There are four main categories to investigate when it comes to evaluating the quality of the sleep you’re getting.

  1. Back pain – If you’ve begun experiencing back pain every time you wake up, and it didn’t happen in the past, it might be the mattress. Sure, there are many causes of back pain, but if the pain subsides after some morning stretches, chances are, it’s the mattress.
  2. Morning stiffness – If your whole body feels rather stiff every time you get out of bed, think about replacing your mattress. A new mattress would definitely help you feel better when you wake up.
  3. Numb limbs – If your legs, hands, or feet feel numb when you wake up, it could be down to the mattress. Yes, you should visit a doctor and make sure there are no other causes, but you should also look into buying a new mattress.
  4. Sleep quality – If you feel sluggish, slow, or sleepy after you’ve woken up, it’s definitely time to think about a new mattress. If a mattress does not provide the sleep that you need, what good is it?

Assessing the state of your mattress

Every mattress wears, and it also tears. It’s the circle of life of a mattress, as no mattresses can last forever. But, sometimes, people think that a little wear here and some tears there are alright and that the mattress can still serve a purpose.

Well, yes, you’ll be able to sleep on it, but the quality of your sleep will be greatly reduced due to the unsuitable state of your mattress. So, let’s see what are the physical signs that your mattress no longer cuts the mustard.

  1. Tears – Examine your mattress closely for any visible tearing. Do so by taking your mattress off the bed and taking a good, hard look from all sides. If there are any tears, be they large or small, there is a risk of content falling out, reducing comfort.
  2. Lumps – Lumps are mostly visible with the naked eye, but there are those pesky hidden ones that you don’t see, but that your body definitely feels. Place a hand on the surface of your mattress, press down, and see if you feel any lumps. Lumps can greatly reduce the quality of your sleep, and should you notice any, it’s probably time for your mattress to retire.
  3. Sags – Sit beside the mattress and look at it from the side. Remove the sheets prior to this. If you notice that the middle or the sides of your mattress are sagging, you definitely need a new mattress.
  4. Holes – Take the bedding off and see if there are any holes in your mattress. This is the final sign that you need to replace your mattress. Holes are not good.

Assessing the overall quality and ageAssessing the overall quality and age

Finally, you have to take into account other factors, such as the age of your mattress and the overall state your mattress is in. Sometimes, there don’t need to be any lumps or sags and your back pain can be slight upon getting upon, but your mattress is still ripe for replacement.

  1. Age – Every mattress should be replaced after a number of years of everyday use. If you’ve bought your mattress seven or eight years ago, you should think about replacing it. It’s a rule of thumb, but a good rule still.
  2. Rotation – If you’ve been increasingly rotating your mattress lately, and you’re still noticing sags or lumps, you definitely should go mattress shopping.
  3. Bed bugs – Don’t let the bedbugs bite, as they say. A commonplace, we know, but important when it comes to assessing the overall state your mattress is in. A mattress with bed bugs should definitely be replaced. Yes, you can try to kill them with various methods, but bed bugs are usually a sign of needing a new mattress.
  4. Bacteria, mold, mites – If you clean your mattress on a regular basis, you should be fine. But, sometimes, even if you take care of your mattress, mold and bacteria can form, and dust mites can appear. If this does happen, replace your mattress.

“It seems my mattress is done for. Where can I buy a new one in San Diego?”

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to replace a regular mattress or if you’re looking for boat mattresses for your San Diego marine escape, Mattress Makers is here for you! We are the manufacturers of the finest mattresses and sleeping accessories in all of San Diego, and we’re sure we’ll be able to find a perfect replacement for your old, exhausted mattress. If you feel like you’re starting to lose sleep and that you’re too tired to enjoy Balboa Park, stop by our store as soon as possible. We’ve got you covered!

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