What's Happening When You're Asleep

Ever Wonder what is happening when you’re sleeping? The Huffington Post recently posted this infographic helping us understand what goes on.

A lot more is going on than just looking like a dead fish when you’re sleeping. When we sleep we go through what is called a sleep cycle, and within those sleep cycles 4 stages of sleep. Each sleep cycle last approximately 90min.

Stage 1: This is where you’re just falling asleep and your muscles begin to relax. It’s that feeling when you drift in and out of consciousness.

Stage 2: You begin to fall deeper into sleep. Your brain waves begin to slow and your body temperature is starting to drop. This is the longest stage in the sleep cycle.

Stage 3: This is the time when your body begins to restore the muscle and tissues. This also is when your brain does all its daily cleaning of any junk for the day (read this post for more about this.)

Stage 4 or REM Sleep: Have you ever seen someone asleep and you notice their eyes look like they’re going crazy under their eyelids? Well, they’re probably in REM sleep. This is where most of your dreaming happens.


As you can see a lot goes on during our sleep, which is also a reason to make sure you’re getting the proper amount of sleep each night and good quality sleep.

If this helped you in anyway feel free to share it!

Let us know in the comment section how much sleep you get each night on average.



i. https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/infographic-explains-what-happens-during-sleep


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