Are There Really That Many Benefits to Adjustable Beds?

You’ve done your research on the numerous benefits of adjustable beds thoroughly. You seem to know all there is to the matter. You know what kind of mattress works best with adjustable bases, how good mattresses help you alleviate back pain, and just how great sleeping on an adjustable base seems to be.

But you’re still not sure about whether an adjustable bed base is the right item to pick up from a mattress store in San Diego. You’re still unsure if all the projected benefits are worth it. Well, read on, and all your doubts will slowly fade away as we give you the answers to the most burning questions.

What is zero gravity on an adjustable bed?

You must have heard of zero gravity, the feeling of complete weightlessness when outside our earthly atmosphere, way up there, in the limitless reaches of outer space. But, does it have to happen in space only? Can it happen in your own bedroom?

Believe it or not, yes, it can, which is where the zero gravity sleeping position on adjustable beds enters the picture. It does sound a bit like SF, sure, but it is nevertheless what some of the premium models of adjustable bases offer.

In the zero gravity position, your legs are elevated from the knees down, while your hip is kept down on the bed, lower than your legs and the other raised portion of your body – your torso and your head.

In this sleeping position, your whole body is aligned in such a way that your weight is evenly distributed along the sleeping surface, alleviating pressure and fostering proper support. This reduces pressure on your back, and immensely increases circulation.

What are the benefits of the zero gravity position?

There are many benefits to positioning your adjustable base into the zero gravity position, but we’re going to focus only on the five most important ones, as seen by the Stanford Center for Sleep Medicine.

  1. Snoring – With the zero gravity, you’ll all but stop snoring altogether.
  2. Health – The zero gravity sleeping position greatly improves your overall health by reducing pressure on your heart.
  3. Swelling – Because there is less pressure on your entire body, chances of part of it swelling are significantly reduced.
  4. Acid reflux – indigestion can also become a thing of the past with zero gravity.
  5. Sore muscles – Again, as there is no pressure on any single part of your body, the muscles that are aching will be quicker to recover.

Are adjustable beds good for back pain?Are adjustable beds good for bad backs

They definitely are, without a doubt. And it is not so difficult to see why. The name tells it all – adjustable. Back pain stems from many different places, but the end result is always the same – you ache, you have trouble standing up straight, or lowering yourself down, and even the simplest of everyday tasks become a pain-drenched hassle.

This is where adjustable beds come into play. You can do pretty much anything you want with an adjustable base, get it into some pretty awkward sleeping positions, and find the one that suits you and your back problems.

It does take some experimenting, sure, but it’s all worth it once you get to that sweet spot of your back no longer aching through the night and you not worrying if you would be able to fall asleep at all. That is why adjustable bases are an excellent choice if you’re experiencing problems with your back.

Is an adjustable bed worth the money?

Again, the answer is a simple yes, one we will not waste too much of your time on. If you want to have the best sleep of your life, you’ll go for an adjustable base. If you’re having trouble with your back, snoring, sleep apnea, or acid reflux, you’ll choose an adjustable base. 

Now, nobody’s saying that regular sleeping on a standard mattress that doesn’t move about is a relict of the past. No. We’re just trying to explain how great adjustable beds actually are, and that you should definitely treat yourself with one, if you can afford. You will not regret it.

“Where can I buy an adjustable bed for my needs in San Diego?”

Bases for adjustable beds are still rather a rare commodity, and those that are made with care, dedication, and attention to detail are even rarer. Lucky for you, there is one manufacturer of all things sleep-related that still prioritizes quality over quantity – Mattress Makers, your friendly neighbourhood sleeping facilitator.

Everything we do, every single piece of sleeping equipment we produce has great effort woven into it. We want you to sleep soundly, we want you to become carefree again, and we want you to be happy with our product. That is why we try so hard. If you’re eager to check out our stock, pop ‘round after a visit to SeaWorld. You won’t be disappointed.

Does an adjustable bed improve sleep

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