3 Things in Your Mattress That Might be Making you Sick

Your mattress is the most important piece of furniture in your house. Let’s face it, what other article in your home do you have as much contact with as your mattress?

The average person spends 6-8 hours every day in their bed. That’s about ⅓ of your life! The mattress is also the only piece of furniture where your face is literally inches away breathing whatever is inside it.

It’s hard to say what is inside every mattress, but there are 3 things that can be found in about 95% of mattresses, (especially within the mainstream and online companies mattresses), that can have a negative effect on your health. If you are sensitive to chemicals or have immune system issues, these are the 3 things I would avoid in your mattress:


  1. Polyurethane Foam. – Since the 1970’s polyurethane replaced cotton and natural rubber as the go-to material for padding inside mattresses. It is very inexpensive to make and very easy to mass produce. However, since polyurethane is a petrochemical, it is laden with chemicals that can and most usually do off-gas.
  2. Glues/Adhesives– On average, the typical mattress has anywhere from 2-7 layers of padding. To keep these layers from shifting, mattress companies usually glue these layers together. The problem with gluing these layers together are the many chemicals that are found in adhesives. In some cases, you can still smell the glue many days after it has been delivered.
  3. Chemical-Based Fire Retardants– Since 2007, a federal law was passed that mandated every mattress must pass the fire test. While that law might have solved one problem it opened up the door to a host of many other problems regarding people’s health. A couple of the dozens of chemicals that are used in most fire retardants are Formaldehyde and Antimony Trioxide which have both been shown to be carcinogens.


If you have a mattress from a typical mattress retailer or if you purchased online, the chance that you may be sleeping with some of these chemicals is high. But, there is an alternative to your typical mattress. The solution to this problem is an all-natural mattress free of the potentially harmful chemicals listed above. Mattresses where natural materials like natural rubber/latex, cotton and wool are used instead of synthetic foams. Natural latex comes from the rubber tree where the liquid from the tree is used instead of petroleum. Not only is latex a lot healthier but it also is much more durable. The average latex mattress lasts 2-3 times longer than a traditional mattress.

If you are on your mattress shopping journey but confused on how to find the right one. Download our FREE Guide to get all the tips you need for finding your perfect mattress. Just click the image below to get it now.

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How to Tell When you Need a new Mattress

how to tell when you need a new mattress

Buying a latex hybrid mattress is only the beginning. After reading all the pocketed coil and latex mattress reviews, making a pros-and-cons list for spring mattresses and coil mattresses, and looking up how often to rotate your mattress, there’s one more thing you have to be aware of. There isn’t a single mattress that can last forever. Yes, some last a lot longer than others, but every mattress needs replacing at a certain point. So, here are the most urgent telltale indicators that it’s time tot look for a new mattress.

The age

As we’ve already said, mattresses can’t last forever. So, if you’re unsure how to tell when you need a new mattress, start simply with your mattress’ age. Premium mattresses boast the best longevity, but even they succumb to the constant wear and tear after seven years or so. If it’s been longer than then, it may be time to start thinking about replacing it.

You no longer wake up well-rested

Another piece of advice we have is to listen to your body. Whether or not your mattress still looks good-as-new, without any noticeable lumps or sagging, if you wake up feeling tired, something’s up. Yes, you might not think it, your mattress still looks like it’s in top-notch shape, but trust us – once you start waking up yawning and or aching each morning, it’s time to visit a mattress store.

Your body aches

Again, we have to emphasize – if you don’t know how to tell when you need a new mattress, carefully listen to what your body has to say. Waking up sleepy is one thing, but waking up sore and hurting is a code red! If it begins to happen to you, there’s only one thing left to do.

The sagging is noticeable

Nevermind the type of your mattress – sagging is a big no! Memory foam mattresses get softer over time, spring coils break, while latex compresses. All of these occurrences instigate sagging, which is an obvious sign that your once-cloudlike mattress is is flying a bit too close to the ground.

It has to be just right

Remember Goldilocks and her quest for the bed that suited her juuuuust right? Well, you should abide by the same standards. If you notice that your mattress has become too hard or too soft, a bear may not have slept in it, but it still means something bad has happened to it. If it no longer feels perfect to sleep in, then you know that you’ve found the perfect opportunity to find a new mattress.


Similar to sagging, lumps are visible to the naked eye. As you sleep in your bed every night, the padding of the mattress gradually shifts, and lumps appear. The uneven density that lumps point to means that you can no longer expect adequate support from your mattress. And, inadequate support means that you no longer sleep as rightly as you should be.

Sneezing stop!

Finally, you have to know that no matter what the mattress type, allergens do accumulate over time. Some mattresses are more resistant to it, such as latex and hybrid mattress, while others succumb to allergens quicker. Either way, if the sneezes start waking you up at night, or sneezing is the first thing you do in the morning, be quick about it and buy a new one. Nothing is more important than your health.

Don’t know how to tell when you need a new mattress? Don’t worry, we’ll help?

Mattress Makers are the finest manufacturers and sellers of premium mattresses in San Diego. The mattresses we make will last significantly longer, support you better, and provide you with the relaxing nights you never thought possible. If you’re experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, then come to our store and let’s solve the problem together.



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How Often Should you Rotate Your Mattress?

how often should you rotate your mattress

how often should you rotate your mattressThe process of mattress shopping can get complicated. After all, you’ll be sleeping on it for years to come, better to be thorough about it, right? So, you ponder what the best latex coil hybrid mattress could be, you read about the differences of coils and springs, you skim endless reviews of pocket coil mattresses, and then, surprisingly, you investigate the signs of needing a new mattress, because maybe your old one is still good? On top of that, once you actually do buy one, someone says you have to rotate it! What? Why? You have no idea how often should you rotate your mattress? This is the perfect place to learn then!

Why should you rotate your mattress?

First off, let us clarify our definition of rotating a mattress. When we say rotate, we mean rotate it 180 degrees, so that the foot of the bed becomes the head of the bed, and vice versa.

As for the ‘why’, you need to be aware of the fact that all mattresses suffer wear and tear caused by, you guessed it, sleeping on them. Rotating your mattress regularly prolongs its lifespan, preventing unnecessary damage, such as lumps and sagging. Plus, if you rotate your mattress periodically, it will support your spine better, keeping it in neutral alignment for longer.

How often should you rotate your mattress?

As for how often, it is difficult to reach a general consensus and give a one-size fits all type of answer. With so many different materials and techniques used for manufacturing mattresses, a uniform code of mattress conduct is not entirely possible to make.

However, there is a rule of thumb that suggests rotating your mattress once every three months to keep it in best shape possible. Some say it should be done once in a year, but we find this to be too infrequent. However often you choose to do it, make sure you stick to the routine you’ve planned out.

How exactly should you rotate your mattress?

Ok, now that you’ve been given a suggestion on how often should you rotate your mattress, it’s time to deal with how to rotate it. It might sound simple as just picking it up and jiggling it about the bed frame, but there is an actual method to it.

We suggest to plan all your rotation dates for up to a year in advance. Don’t just pick it up when you feel like it, there should be a system to it. Four time a year seems like a good number for mattress rotating, so let’s begin there.

Before you actually do pick it up, make sure you prep the space and plan how you’re going to do it in advance. Remove any breakables from the vicinity and envision how you’re going to do it. Knowing the answer to the question, “how often should you rotate your mattress?” is only the beginning.

Lastly, make sure you’ve got a vacuum cleaner there beforehand too, and a wet cloth to follow, with some cleaning products as well. This is the perfect opportunity to clean the area of the bed frame rarely accessible otherwise, and get rid of those pesky allergens that might have temporarily moved in.

Once you’re done with the rotation process, lie down for a quick check to see if there are any noticeable differences in sleeping comfort and spine support. Surely there will be, but the best way to be certain is to check. If you fall asleep without planning to, you’ve done a good job!

“How often should you rotate your mattress?” has been answered. Now, what about a mattress to rotate?

Why not make it the best mattress in San Diego? Because that’s just what Mattress Makers offer – the finest mattresses money can buy. We’re a family business with a long tradition of mattress making, and we’re here to make your every sleeping wish come true. Stop by our store and see what we have to offer. We’re confident you won’t go home empty-handed!