The Answer to, “who Makes Adjustable bed Bases in San Diego?”

Who makes adjustable bed bases in San Diego

The question, “Who makes adjustable bed bases in San Diego?”, was once difficult to answer; not anymore. So, whether it’s that you’re looking for adjustable bases for king beds, or smaller adjustable bases, we know where to find the best ones. Adjustable bed bases and mattresses are a match made in heaven, and the moment you realize that bed bases are durable as well as comfortable, you can’t help but wanting to try one out!

Who we are

Simply put, we are Mattress Makers in the truest sense of the word. This is a family business, and has been that way for decades. The job we do is not only a way to earn. It is primarily the thing we love and do well.

The business originated in the 60s, and has continued to grow and expand since then. In the olden days, mattresses were made from natural materials, without any of the modern gimmicks. That means no memory foam, various gels, and no air beds.

What makes this family of mattress manufacturers different from all the others on the market is that we have managed to, against all trends, continue using natural materials. The manufacturing process has been modernized to accommodate for the increase in demand, but without any negative effects on the quality and uniqueness of every single one of our mattresses.

There are no stacked storages at Mattress Makers, no overproduction of items to sell to our customers. The mattress you buy is going to be specially made for you and your needs. We care about every one of our customers exiting the shop with exactly what they came for.

We have taken that mattress making practice and implemented it into the manufacturing of adjustable bases as well. So, if you want to know who makes adjustable bed bases in San Diego, you already know the answer.

How we improve

As mentioned, the business we own started in the 60s, and we have tried to constantly improve the manufacturing process of both the mattresses, adjustable bases, pillows, and all other sleep-related accessories we offer.

We try to keep up with modern trends, but not in the way you might think. We have never and will never use modern unnatural materials that have become increasingly popular in today’s mattress manufacturing process.

What we mean by trends is what our customers need and want. We listen to their needs, always on the lookout for new areas in which we can improve customer satisfaction. That’s all that matters to us.

In order to offer unparalleled sleeping experience to our customers, it is not enough to know how to make the product. You have to know who you’re making the product for, and that is why we highly value and always consider the opinions and desires of our customers.

It’s almost as if they’re involved in every step of the process, without actually being there to make the product. It’s because of the people who buy that we improve, and it is because of them that we know how to.

What we offer

Besides the best natural mattresses, pillows, and sleeping accessories, we also have a wide selection of adjustable bed bases. Adjustable bases can help with various sleep-related inconveniences, and that is why we pay close attention to the needs of our customers in this area.

The Softide 2100 adjustable base is perfect for entry-level users who are still not sure if they want to spend a bit more money for more comfort and accessories. This base comes with a wired remote, one you can’t lose sight of, and you can freely adjust the base at three joints.

The Softide 5100 base is a bit more advanced. It comes with three different preprogrammed positions, one of which is the most popular “zero-gravity” position, alongside “reading” and “entertainment” positions. With wall hugger and massage features, this base could be all you need.

The Softide 8300 adjustable base could very well be the thing you’re searching for. It has a controllable head tilt, a lumbar support bar than can help with backaches, as well as a preprogrammed, “entertainment”, position. Also, there’s the wall hugger and the massage features, in addition to USB outlets and a bed light.

The Rize Clarity base is an entry level base that comes with some additional features, such as the wireless remote and the preprogrammed, “zero-gravity”, position. There are also three joints at which the base can be adjusted, so there is no reason not to find the perfect sleeping position.

The Rize Verge base comes preprogrammed with three positions – “anti-snore’, “lounge”, and “zero-gravity”. You just have to push a button and you’re done. The massaging feature, USB outlets, and under-the-bed lights certainly tick the boxes when it comes to what you need for the perfect sleep.

Finally, The Rize Contempo II adjustable base is at the top of our offer. Adjustable at four joints, with the, “zero-gravity”, “anti-snore” and “lounge”, preprogrammed positions, this base makes sure you will not have to adjust anything by yourself. Plus, when you consider the massaging feature, the wall hugger perk, the adjustable head tilt, as well as the bed lighting and outlets, this is really an adjustable base that has it all.

All of our adjustable bases come in different shapes and sizes, ranging from twin to cal king, which means every customer can choose a base, and then choose a size he or she needs. As for the answer to your question, “How long do adjustable bed bases last?” we can guarantee a long-lasting life of the bases we produce.

Finally, we are the answer to the question, “Who makes adjustable bed bases in San Diego”

We are the best manufacturers of mattresses, pillows, adjustable bases, and various accessories in San Diego. We use natural materials, pay attention to the needs of our customers, and offer a pleasant shopping experience if you come by our store. So, if an adjustable base is what you need, visit Mattress Makers, and see for yourself why we’re the best!

How Long do the Best Adjustable Base and Mattress Last?

How long do adjustable bed bases last

Finding an adjustable base mattress might be easier than finding the best adjustable base, making sure that base is safe to use with your beloved mattress. Among other factors to consider when shopping for adjustable bed bases, the question you need to ask is, “How long do best adjustable bed base and mattress last?”. So, let’s take a look at the factors that may affect the longevity of an adjustable base.

Sturdiness of construction

This is always the first factor when trying to determine how long adjustable bed bases last. Although there are many more components to adjustable bed bases, the soundness of the construction is certainly the primary, if not the most important aspect which affects how bed bases work.

Adjustable bases need not only withstand the weight of the person sleeping on it, but also be able to provide proper support to the mattress of your choosing. Depending on the size of the bed, as well as the size of the mattress that stems from it, being the pillar of sleep can become an increasingly difficult task for an adjustable base.

Also, the joints where the adjustments of the different parts of adjustable beds are made should be built to last. People who buy adjustable beds need to experiment with different sleeping positions, and the base has to be able to withstand all the aspects of this use.

That’s why it is paramount for an adjustable base to be made from materials that are able to cope with the weight of all the components that make for a good bed to sleep in. So, when looking for an adjustable base that will be as durable as possible, always start with the construction side of it.

Electrical components

In the past, adjustable bases were completely manual. No electrical components to go wrong. Beds used to be adjusted by the sleepers themselves, without any help from modern technology.

Nowadays, virtually all adjustable bases come with built-in motors used for adjusting the parts of the bed into different sleeping positions. This certainly eases the use, but it also introduces new parts than can go wrong. And, depending on the model and the price range, there are also features such as the massaging capability, remote control, USB outlets and under-the-bed lights.

So, the more electrical components, the more there is to go wrong. Well, it’s not that grim. Although it is far more likely for power or massaging motors to break, it doesn’t happen daily. It’s certainly not a good reason to deprive yourself of all the perks of modern sleeping.

You should, however, inquire about the manufacturers of the motors and other electrical components prior to the purchase, and do your research. Ask around, check the internet, and see just how reliable all the electrical components present in your bed base are.

Finally, the warranty period usually covers all the potential breakdowns of bed base’s electrical components, so even if something does go wrong, you will not be left beached. If you are not in the warranty period anymore, you can give a professional service a call, who excel in electrical installations, repairs and & maintenance.

Air circulation

When compared to other aspects of adjustable bed bases, air circulation does not sound like a particularly important factor in the answer to the question of how long do adjustable bed bases last.

It is, however, extremely important not to the physical longevity of your base in terms of breakdowns and construction failures, but to the medical aspect of it. A base should not just stand firm for as long as possible. It should also be healthy for the longest amount of time.

Air circulation helps eliminate any potential problems that may arise from mold growth. People who buy adjustable bed bases do so mainly to alleviate health problems that surface during sleeping.

These problems include snoring, sleep apnea, acid reflux, and many others. All of these conditions can worsen under the influence of various types of mold that can appear if there is insufficient air circulation of the bed base.

It is for this reason that air circulation factors into the longevity of an adjustable bed base. In order for customers to reap the health benefits for as long as possible, proper air circulation is necessary.

So, don’t think about just the construction and electrical components when trying to determine how long adjustable bed bases last. Think about your health, too. As nothing is more important.

You want to know how long the best adjustable bed base and mattress last? Well, we have the answer for you!

Mattress Makers are not only the top trusted manufacturers of natural mattresses in San Diego, but we are also number 1 San Diego manufacturers of adjustable bed bases that last. Because we have total confidence in our manufacturing process, and because we know what materials and components we use, we can safely say that our adjustable bed bases will last a long time. If you don’t believe us, stop by our store and ask about every aspect of our adjustable bases. We know you will like the answers.


Adjustable Beds Reviews: Information to Look for When Reading Buyer Reviews

Adjustable beds reviews

Adjustable bases for platform beds offer many options and can help with numerous health issues, so more and more San Diego residents are beginning to consider a purchase. While looking for information on the matter, you should definitely look into adjustable beds reviews. Here’s what you need to know.

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Aspects to Consider When Looking for Adjustable Bases for King Beds

Want adjustable bases for king beds

Adjustable bases have amazing health benefits, so opting for adjustable bases for king beds is certainly the way to go. However, pay attention to the following when trying to find a suitable base.


Be sure to ask the supplier what the delivery procedure for adjustable bases for king beds is. Although this might not sound as important as some other aspects, it is actually the first thing to think about.

Adjustable bases are a great addition to your bedroom, but the assembly process can get complicated, especially for novice buyers. If you are buying such a base for mobility reasons, you will definitely want it assembled by professionals at your home. Always ask about assembly before buying the perfect companion for your mattress.

How easy it is to use

If you want an electric adjustable base for your bed, take a look at the control options, not just the frame of the bed. The buttons need to be easy to use, especially if you’re experiencing mobility problems.

If you plan on sharing the bed with your partner, dual controls are also a greatly appreciated option. With dual controls, you can adjust both sides of the bed independently, which means neither you nor your partner will experience late night disturbances. Both of you can adjust the side you’re sleeping on, without waking the other up.

The aesthetics

When people think about adjustable bases for king beds, the first image is usually that of a distorted and unappealing bed base. Well, who says adjustable bases can’t be stylish?

With the increase in popularity, there is also an increase in visual appeal. Adjustable bases are no longer like the ones you see in hospitals. There are hand-crafted alternatives, which can fit right into even the minimalist bedroom. They might be a tad pricier than the regular ones, but sometimes that extra splurge is worth it.

Warranty length and coverage

Besides the initial price, you have to take the potential long-term costs into consideration as well. Warranty length varies from supplier to supplier. So carefully ask about it first.

Also, different suppliers offer different types of warranty coverage. Some offer warranty on specific parts of the base, such as the handset and the motor, while others do not. For peace of mind, find out the specifics of the warranty offered by the supplier, and see if they suit your needs.

The furniture you already own

Don’t jump the gun and buy an adjustable base before thinking about the bed frame you already own and how it would fit it. And we don’t just mean the measurements.

The bed frame has to be able to support the base you want to put on it. For example, the sturdiness of some platform beds may be insufficient to support both the latex mattress and the adjustable base.

The mattress

Lastly, we come to the matter of checking whether your existing mattress would a good match for the adjustable base you want to buy. Your everyday innerspring mattress may not be a good choice, as its sturdier construction makes it less internally bendable. Damage to the base and mattress can occur in this instance.

The best choice of mattress would be either a latex mattress, or a memory foam one. Both are extremely flexible, and they can easily mold to the base, achieving the desired shape.

We have the best adjustable bases for king beds

Not only do we have the best mattresses in the market, but we also have the best adjustable bases for king beds and other bed sizes. Mattress Makers is the premium manufacturer of mattresses and bed bases, and we’re sure you will find what you’re looking for. Stop by our store today and see our stock!

Why Choose a Double Sided Mattress

There are many reasons why you should consider looking for a quality double sided mattress for sale, and here are just some of them.


Mattress manufacturers often say that a non-flippable mattress can last just as long as a double sided mattress for sale.

While it is correct that the mattress manufacturing process has come a long way, the life span of double sided mattresses is still as much as two times longer than that of single sided ones.

Possessing the ability to flip your mattress on a regular basis diminishes the possibility of body impressions forming on the mattress.

Also, as most double sided mattresses are made using a coil system which creates the center of the mattress, the entire construction is sturdier, making for a more resilient sleeping surface.


Single sided mattresses are usually a bit less expensive. But, the initial price of the product is not the only thing to consider when searching for a perfect double sided mattress for sale.

Yes, you might pay a bit more in the beginning, but just think how much money you are going to save by not having to replace your mattress as quickly as you would a single sided one.

Also, not all double sided mattresses are as expensive as people may think. Some are just a fraction more than their one sided counterparts, with no difference in quality.


This is one of the most frequently disputed facts about double sided mattresses. People either claim that the single sided mattress is superior in terms of comfort, or that there is no difference at all.

However, double sided mattresses offer greater usable sleeping surface. This comes from the way they are built. Because they need to have two sides, the surfaces are thicker and wider.

Also, greater sleeping comfort is connected to the sole fact that it has two sides. If one side begins to develop body impressions, simply flip it for a good-as-new sleeping environment.

It’s greener

Taking into consideration the greater life span of double sided mattresses, it becomes clear that they are, in fact, rather green.

Yes, manufacturing double sided mattresses also uses natural resources. However, as they last longer, it means that those ever precious resources are not used as often. And, by correlation, fewer resources are used in the production.


Most modern flippable mattresses have different firmness levels, meaning that each of the sides is different.

This makes a double sided mattress for sale extremely versatile, as you can choose the firmness that suits you best.

What’s more, buyers say that these mattresses are perfect for guest rooms. Different people are used to different mattresses, and with a double sided one, you can create a perfect guest environment for anybody.

If you’re looking for the best double sided mattress for sale, come to us!

Mattress Makers offers a selection of different double sided mattress types, and we are certain you will be able to find the perfect one for your needs. Visit us in the store, and let our pleasant and professional staff help you out!

Is Your Sleeping Position Saying More Than you Think?

San Diego mattress store - sleeping positions

So, you’ve been sleeping peacefully in that carefully picked out mattress from a San Diego mattress store? But, do you know how you sleep? Are you a log or a yearner? Do these positions sound made up? Don’t worry, leading mattressologists and horoscope scientists have collaborated to produce the most accurate read on what your sleep position says about you. These results may be entirely shocking, but don’t take them too seriously.

Sleeping like a log

But not in the way you might think. Log is a sleeping position in which a person sleeps on the side, with legs extended and arms on the sides. It is one of the most common sleeping positions around. Although it seems a bit square, log people are usually quite amiable and relaxed. Not at all uptight. Sometimes they can seem gullible, but hey, it goes with being open.

Yearning a good night’s sleep

Similar to the log position, yearners also sleep on the side, but stretch their arms in front of their body instead. People who sleep like this are open-minded and extremely inviting. However, they can also exhibit a healthy dose of cynicism, and can be suspicious when presented with a good reason. They tend to make decisions slowly, only to later stick to them ferociously. Just don’t give them a reason to doubt you and you’re golden.

The sleepy soldier

Soldiers are associated with discipline, so it seems a fitting name for a position in which a person sleeps on the back, arms straight at the sides. This position lives up to its name, as soldier people are usually of a silent type, and don’t like to make a fuss. They are strong, with a desire to structure themselves, as well as everything and everyone around them. They want to be taken seriously. Snoring is one of the downsides though, so you might want to consider getting a separate mattress from a San Diego mattress store.

Freefalling to sleep

Freefallers sleep on the stomach, with their head tilted to one side, while wrapping the pillow with their arms. They are very gregarious, and like to have fun. They are spirited, but secretly nervous, constantly seeking control. They sometimes come off as brash. Also, they are surprisingly sensitive when it comes to criticism, even though they are huge risk takers. Don’t be too harsh on them.

Under the sea

A position called starfish is one of, if not the least popular sleeping position in the world. These sleepers lie on the back, legs stretching out, with their arms behind their head. It could very well be called a cactus position. People with this unusual sleeping style are loyal, and they put a strong emphasis on making friendships. They are savvy problem solvers, who always have a minute to lend you an ear. Seems logical, as it does look like they’re reaching for a hug while sleeping.

Sleeping like a baby

Probably the most famous of all, the fetal position, wrongly associated with feeling down, neglected, or simply unhappy. Catching the Z’s in this position doesn’t have to be all that fatalistic. You’re just a bit sensitive and shy, while all the time presenting a tough exterior. These sleepers also tend to overthink every problem and decision. Relax a bit, and enjoy. Everything will be alright.

#1 San Diego mattress store for any sleeping position

Whether you’re a starfish, a soldier, or a log, it’s all the same to us. Mattress Makers offers the best pillows, mattresses, and toppers for the sleeping position of your choice. No yearner is too much for us to handle. Drop by today.