Do Two Twins a King Size Make?

“Why should I buy a king-size mattress? I already have an adjustable bed, i know just how well a regular mattress works with my adjustable base, I know about the benefits of adjustable beds, and I am perfectly satisfied with my adjustable base! I do not even wish to know the properties of split king beds, nor whether there are any adjustable base mattresses in king size!”

And nobody’s forcing you. Having a bed and a mattress that suits your needs is great, but, every once in a while, you need to change your mattress, or perhaps your partner desires a different sleeping surface. That’s when you should consider a split king mattress.

Can you use two twin mattresses as a king?Is two twin mattresses a king?

Actually no, two twin mattresses are not a split king mattress, although it might seem that way on a surface level. It might sound like you could take two twin mattresses, place them one beside the other, and create a split king of your own making, this is not the case.

One aspect of it is the sole fact that two twin mattresses create a smaller sleeping surface than a split king mattress. They’re smaller, and that’s it, nothing more to it. Two twin XL mattresses, on the other hand, could technically make up a sleeping surface identical to that of a split king mattresses. Well, that’s it then, right?

Again, not actually. Split king mattresses feature connectors that stop the two parts of the mattress from moving too far from each other, holding them in place, helping you avoid unwanted events. So, to answer again: no, two twins don’t make a proper split king mattress.

Can you use two twin mattresses as a king?

Again, we have to repeat, two regular twin mattresses do not make a split king, nor a king size mattresses. In order to imitate a king mattresses, you’re going to need two twin XL mattresses to begin with.

Now, discussing the matter of taking two twin XL mattresses and creating a king mattress we have to say  that yes, it can be done. It requires a lot of work, and it won’t be a true king size mattresses, but you can do it.

Although you’d be better off simply buying a king mattress, and saving yourself the trouble and the energy, here are some steps you’d have to take in order to convert your two twin XL mattresses into a king mattress.

  • Step 1King size platform or frame – If you already have a king size platform, no need to worry about the first step. If not, however, you have to adapt your existing platform, or buy or create a new one, a platform big enough to accommodate a king size mattress.
  • Step 2Rug pad – Place a rubber rug pad, one that won’t skid, on top of your frame or platform, to make sure that the two twin XL mattresses won’t skid about during sleep.
  • Step 3Fill the gap – Use the material of your choosing to bridge the gap between the two mattresses you are converting into a king size mattress. Most people use foam because it is the most pliable and comfortable. However, the gap will never be seamless, and it will affect sleep, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. This is why it is always better to visit a mattress store in San Diego and buy a regular king size mattress.

“OK, OK, I get it, king is best, but where can I get one?”adjustable base mattresses king size

If you want the finest king size mattresses in San Diego, Mattress Makers is the store for you, even if you’re looking for high-quality adjustable base mattresses in king size. Our staff is extremely knowledgeable and pleasant to work with, and we have mattresses that will fit your every need. If you want to be well rested for the long hikes through the Mission Trails Regional Park, come to our store, we’ll find the perfect mattress for you.

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