How Adjustable Bed Bases Improve Your Health

Adjustable bases for beds are not just for hospitals. If you incorporate a bed with such a base into your sleeping routine, and couple it with a perfect mattress, you will experience improvements with various health issues.

Less back pain

By having the ability to adjust the mattress and the base at the foot and the head, you get a sleeping surface that provides proper support for the spine.

You can improve conditions such as sciatica, as an adjustable base for beds can alleviate pressure from the sciatic nerve.

What’s more, if you slant the head to a 45-degree angle, you can relieve compression and reduce lower back pain. This position also prevents neck pain, as it provides a supportive platform and eliminates the need for multiple pillows.

Fewer breathing issues

When you lie flat in your bed, snoring occurs. Extra weight is being put on the windpipe from the neck, creating the snoring noise. An adjustable frame can lift the head, reducing pressure on the windpipe.

Asthma and sleep apnea are also breathing problems, and you can decrease them by using the adjustable base to raise your head. This sleeping position drastically improves airflow, clearing obstructions in the nasal passage, allowing for undisrupted, healthier sleep.

Heartburn and acid reflux relief

Heartburn and acid reflex strike even those who do not go to sleep with their stomachs full. If you’re lying flat on your mattress, acids move to esophagus, leading to symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux.

By raising your upper body 6-8 inches, the acid will remain in your stomach, away from you throat. Digestion will be healthier, and sleep will be better.

Insomnia improvement

There are many people suffering from insomnia. There is no easy solution for this condition, but adjustable bases for beds can help.

Because you can adjust the frame, you can create many sleeping positions. By experimenting with various positions, you can find the perfect one for you, improve circulation and oxygen flow, easing the process of falling asleep.

Circulation improvement

Your quality of sleep is directly affected by keeping the circulatory system of your body in prime condition.

With adjustable beds, you can fine-tune the position, allowing better blood flow to you heart and body.

People who have specific issues with circulation can achieve the recommended body position, perfect for their existing problems.

Arthritis and pain relief

Painful chronic conditions such as arthritis can be improved by sleeping on a bed with an adjustable base.

You can take the weight off of your joints by modifying your sleeping position, achieving a more comfortable night’s sleep.

Adjustable beds also offer assistance for people experiencing pain-induced morning stiffness. A person can lower the bed at the feet, and raise it at the head, allowing for an easier process of leaving the bed.

Better digestion

Your body doesn’t sleep through the night. It works hard, digesting and processing food among other things.

If you sleep flat, this hinders the ability of your body to properly process food.

With an adjustable base, you can raise your head the advised 6 inches, achieving the perfect digestion position. Good digestion improves sleep, and eases the process of waking up.

We offer the best adjustable bases for beds

Mattress Makers is a company that has the beds, the mattresses, and the pillows to fit your every need. Stop by our store and consult our professionals today!

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