How to Tell When you Need a new Mattress

Buying a latex hybrid mattress is only the beginning. After reading all the pocketed coil and latex mattress reviews, making a pros-and-cons list for spring mattresses and coil mattresses, and looking up how often to rotate your mattress, there’s one more thing you have to be aware of. There isn’t a single mattress that can last forever. Yes, some last a lot longer than others, but every mattress needs replacing at a certain point. So, here are the most urgent telltale indicators that it’s time tot look for a new mattress.

The age

As we’ve already said, mattresses can’t last forever. So, if you’re unsure how to tell when you need a new mattress, start simply with your mattress’ age. Premium mattresses boast the best longevity, but even they succumb to the constant wear and tear after seven years or so. If it’s been longer than then, it may be time to start thinking about replacing it.

You no longer wake up well-rested

Another piece of advice we have is to listen to your body. Whether or not your mattress still looks good-as-new, without any noticeable lumps or sagging, if you wake up feeling tired, something’s up. Yes, you might not think it, your mattress still looks like it’s in top-notch shape, but trust us – once you start waking up yawning and or aching each morning, it’s time to visit a mattress store.

Your body aches

Again, we have to emphasize – if you don’t know how to tell when you need a new mattress, carefully listen to what your body has to say. Waking up sleepy is one thing, but waking up sore and hurting is a code red! If it begins to happen to you, there’s only one thing left to do.

The sagging is noticeable

Nevermind the type of your mattress – sagging is a big no! Memory foam mattresses get softer over time, spring coils break, while latex compresses. All of these occurrences instigate sagging, which is an obvious sign that your once-cloudlike mattress is is flying a bit too close to the ground.

It has to be just right

Remember Goldilocks and her quest for the bed that suited her juuuuust right? Well, you should abide by the same standards. If you notice that your mattress has become too hard or too soft, a bear may not have slept in it, but it still means something bad has happened to it. If it no longer feels perfect to sleep in, then you know that you’ve found the perfect opportunity to find a new mattress.


Similar to sagging, lumps are visible to the naked eye. As you sleep in your bed every night, the padding of the mattress gradually shifts, and lumps appear. The uneven density that lumps point to means that you can no longer expect adequate support from your mattress. And, inadequate support means that you no longer sleep as rightly as you should be.

Sneezing stop!

Finally, you have to know that no matter what the mattress type, allergens do accumulate over time. Some mattresses are more resistant to it, such as latex and hybrid mattress, while others succumb to allergens quicker. Either way, if the sneezes start waking you up at night, or sneezing is the first thing you do in the morning, be quick about it and buy a new one. Nothing is more important than your health.

Don’t know how to tell when you need a new mattress? Don’t worry, we’ll help?

Mattress Makers are the finest manufacturers and sellers of premium mattresses in San Diego. The mattresses we make will last significantly longer, support you better, and provide you with the relaxing nights you never thought possible. If you’re experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, then come to our store and let’s solve the problem together.



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