Unusual beds

Bed of nails - Natural response mattress San Diego

The best part of a long day is definitely the moment when you can finally slip into your bed and rest. Whether it is a state-of-the-art natural response mattress, or a good old coil-springs one, it feels like a cloud. Most of us have a solid idea what a bed should look like. However, there are some types of beds that challenge that notion. Listed below are some of the more unorthodox sleeping contraptions.

Rocking bed

The design is familiar from rocking chairs. It is just extrapolated onto a bed. Instead of legs, this bed has arched rails which enable it to rock gently. Presumably. However, the design itself might be detrimental to a peaceful night of sleep, as any motion by the sleeper would cause a response from the bed. It seems fun, but consider it carefully before purchasing one of these.

Water bed

The classic of unusual beds, the water bed (in its modern form) has been with us for decades. Their origins date back to the 19th century when they were prescribed as a solution to people who suffered from back pains, since it was very soft. The modern version dates back to 1970s, with their popularity skyrocketing in the 1980s and 1990s. Today, however, only a small percentage of new purchases are water beds. Even though they have the advantage of being hypoallergenic, they are lumbering, heavy things and moving them is a long and complicated process, not to mention the possibility of a leak.

Vertical bed

This strange concept is just that – a concept. It has been created by several different inventors or designers. All of them have different ideas how to achieve the vertical support to the sleepers even when they are in deep sleep. One such design uses a kind of an exoskeleton which fixes the sleeper, with the neck region as the point of most stress. You can probably tell that this is the design flaw with this particular concept. However, some other designs are far less strenuous to the sleeper. Another vertical design includes a foam block of sorts with an indentation in the shape of a human. The sleeper immerses himself into this indentation and is supported from all sides by the foam bed. However, we are built to sleep in a more horizontal position.

Bed of nails

Even though they are best known as a magicians’ trick prop, these strange beds do serve a purpose. First of all, a bit of a spoiler for all those magic tricks you may have been amazed by. The bed of nails is actually very unlikely to cause any damage to the person lying in it. Due to the even distribution of weight over the whole surface of the bed, the pressure is never strong enough to pierce the skin at any single point. These beds have never been used for actual sleeping. However, they do have a purpose. Many Indian mystics have used this contraption for meditation. Furthermore, it has also been used for medical purposes as well, as an acupressure mat. In the Western world, it has been used for research purposes into back pain relief as well.

If these unorthodox sleeping options have sparked your curiosity, you can learn a bit more about them online, or check out Part two of this amusing list. If, however, they’ve made you happy you have a conventional bed, consider upgrading your old mattress for a natural response mattress in Mattress Makers’ showroom. Mattress Makers also offer a variety of other mattress option. Contact us today to learn more.

What you eat Affects the Quality of Your Sleep

Mattress San Diego

Mattress San DiegoIf you are looking for a mattress in San Diego, or any other big city in the USA, you can say you are spoilt for choice. There are not only numerous stores, but the stores themselves have an abundance of options, depending on your price range, comfort requirements and sizes. In order to choose a suitable mattress for yourself, you should put enough time and thought into it. Make a day out of it, mattress shopping and then maybe a restaurant for a meal. Speaking of food, did you know that food can affect the quality of your sleep? In more ways than just one. Read on to find out more.

Variety leads to good long sleep

A study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania studied the relation between the duration of sleep and diet. Their findings have led them to conclude that more versatile food leads to longer and more regular sleep. People who eat very monotonous food tend to sleep fewer hours. It has also been speculated that fatty or spicy food can disrupt sleep, as they can cause acid reflux, which disrupts sleep, and is only worsened by the horizontal position of the sleeper. Sufficient water intake is also a contributor to a good night sleep.

Calories can determine sleep length

The amount of calories a person takes in can also determine the amount of sleep. People who eat more than recommended doses of food are often the ones who sleep less time than necessary for normal functioning (which is around 8 hours in normal adults). Those who eat the amount of calories appropriate for them according to nutritionists, tend to sleep around the 8 hour mark. Finally, those who eat significantly less than recommended tend to sleep longer, possibly as an energy conservation method.

Stimulants, stimulants

Most of us know not to have coffee close to bed time. And most of us also know that the compound which is responsible for this alertness is caffeine. What you may not know is that caffeine is not only found in coffee, but in myriads of other products as well. Energy drinks tend to be choke-full of it, too. Green and black tea can have a higher concentration of it than coffee, so a nice cup of tea and a book before bed might be worse for your sleep quality than you think. A similar stimulant is nicotine. Even though we know what it is, most of us don’t think of it as a stimulant. However, it belongs to the same class of compounds as caffeine. Cigarettes are best avoided around bed time (or preferably avoided altogether.)

A nightcap, then?

Alcohol is a tricky subject when it comes to its effect on sleep. On the one hand, it sure can knock you out in the short term. However, it may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, no more rested than you’d be with no sleep. A much better idea is using natural remedies such as CBD oil for better sleep.

These findings are not conclusive, of course. However, they can be an indicator that something you are doing during the day is causing you sleep problems. Another important aspect of sleep comfort is the mattress you sleep on. Depending on your sleeping position and preference, there are many options to choose from. Buying a mattress in San Diego is as easy as finding a suitable store, and taking your time to browse the wares. Mattress makers offer a portfolio of products to fit everyone’s needs and wants. Visit the store or contact us to find out more.

Can Dreams Tell You Something about Your Health?

Dreams and health - natural response mattress

Dreams and health - natural response mattressIn the modern world, we tend to brush off dreams as irrelevant, as fanciful stories our minds weave for themselves while we sleep and nothing more. But in the olden days, people paid much more attention to their dreams and considered them hugely important for everyday life. In fact, medical practice in Ancient Greece relied on dreams of a person to determine what their problem was.

Nowadays, we tend to know what causes medical problems. However, as we are learning more, we begin to discover that some of these folk beliefs may be rooted in some facts. A lot of medical conditions may be reflected by our dreams, or at least our sleep quality. These are, of course, not exact medical diagnoses, but they may point you in the right direction. If you are feeling ill, by all means visit a doctor.


As if nightmares weren’t bad enough themselves, they may be indicators of several conditions. The blood pressure medication based on beta-blockers has been linked to nightmares, as well as irregular coronary rhythm. Furthermore, nightmares may be the precursors of migraines in migraine sufferers.

Dreams where you are being attacked

These highly stressful dreams have been linked to early stages of nerve degeneration illnesses, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. These kinds of dreams tend to cause thrashing, sometimes quite violent. It may result in an injury. Normally during sleep, our body disables our muscles, precisely so we wouldn’t injure ourselves while acting out our dreams. Frequent manifestation of these dreams has been strongly linked to Alzheimer’s and may manifest years before any other sign of this vicious illness.

Bizarre and memorable dreams

The most common cause of such dreams is surely alcohol. This is something anyone who’s gone too far with hard liquor can tell you. Strange and immensely vivid dreams towards the end of the night are caused by alcohol. However, it is not the only cause of such strange dreams. An infection may cause the body to increase the amount of sleep, more particularly, the non-REM stages of sleep, in order to rest better. This, in turn may cause the REM phase to mix with the reality, creating half-awake, vivid dreams, or hallucinations. To make matters worse, some medications can cause these kinds of dreams as well. One malaria medication is said to cause ‘epic dreams’, which are long, consistent and full of bizarre creatures and events.

Remembering too many dreams

Having more dreams than normal may be an indicator of something being wrong. More specifically, chronic pain. The explanation, however, is a bit less fascinating. People experiencing chronic pain tend to wake up more during the night, increasing the likelihood of waking up during the REM phase, and remembering the dream. Similar thing happens to people who get too cold or too hot during the night.

No matter if you believe that your dreams can indicate something about your health or not, you should believe that getting a good night rest is vital for our health. This, at least is scientifically proven and undisputable.

In order to get the best possible sleep, you need the best possible mattress. Natural response mattress is exactly what it sounds like. A mattress which adapts to your body, providing you with comfort and support you need. In addition to this, a natural support mattress from Mattress Makers is fully made of natural materials, to ensure the best quality of sleep for the buyers. Contact Mattress Makers via the website, or visit the showroom, where experts can help you pick the best mattress to suit your needs and wants.

Common Sleeping Disorders and What to Do About Them

Sleeping Disorders - Mattress Store San Diego

We all want to sleep easy at night. That’s why we invest in a top quality mattress. Still, some of us suffer from sleeping disorders. Some are quite mild and can be shrugged off as a slight nuisance. Others can be quite troublesome, and even downright dangerous. Some of them need to be treated by a professional, whereas others can be caused by something as preventable as having a bad bed, or an unfavorable sleeping position. Following is a list of most common sleeping disorders.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder where the sleeper’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. It can be quite a serious condition if not treated. There are actually two subtypes of this condition. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction in the airways. Most commonly, it is the soft tissue of the velum which causes the obstruction. It is characterized by snoring, fatigue and sleepiness during daytime as well as gasping during sleep.

The second type of sleep apnea is more serious. It is called central sleep apnea. It is not caused by the blockage of airways, but by the brain’s failure to instruct the body to breathe. The name comes from the connection to the problem in the central nervous system. Central sleep apnea is characterized by gasping for air and awakening at night.

Restless leg syndrome

This disorder is not limited to the sleeping state, as it is often reported in people who are fully awake. It occurs during longer periods of non-movement. The sufferers experience strong urge to move their limbs. The reason it is categorized as a sleep disorder is that it often occurs in the evening, making it very difficult to fall asleep, or to stay asleep. It leads to daytime sleepiness, irritability and inability to concentrate during the day.


This is a neurological disorder which causes the sufferer to have irregular sleeping patterns, with uncontrollable urge to fall asleep during the day. These episodes of sleepiness can occur at any time, which makes them very dangerous for the sufferers.

Circadian rhythm sleep disorder

This is far less problematic than the previous entry, yet it can cause quite a lot of problems to the sufferer. This disorder manifests in the inability to fall asleep and wake up at socially accepted times. The sufferer can attain a normal duration and quality sleep, just not at the expected time. Circadian rhythm of these individuals is not disrupted, only shifted to atypical time of day.


The most well-known sleep disorder is probably insomnia. The inability to attain sleep at times affects at least 50% of the population. This is known as acute insomnia. It can be caused by many things, including stress, diet, uncomfortable bed, etc. If the problem persists for longer than one month, the condition is considered chronic. People suffering from insomnia reportedly suffer from lack of energy, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, but can also suffer some more serious consequences, such as poor performance at work/school, disruptions in personal or professional lives and even depression.

All of these conditions can seriously decrease the quality of our lives if left untreated. However, if you recognize some of the symptoms in yourself, you don’t necessarily suffer from the disorder. You might just be sleeping on a wrong type of mattress. To find out more about what’s best for you, consult our useful blog post about mattress types. If you decide you need a new mattress, find our mattress store in San Diego, or contact us.

The Sleep Cycle Explained

Sleep Cycle - San Diego Mattress

Have you ever had one of those nights when you slept for at least 8 or 9 hours, yet you woke up as tired as you went to bed? Or even more, so have you ever had a night when you only slept 4-6 hours and you woke up feeling recharged and energized? Not all sleep is equal. The quality of your sleep has a lot to do with your sleep cycle. For better sleep, read up on the sleep cycle, how to best manage your sleep and wake up fresh and rested every day.

The basics

First of all, sleep is not a time when our brains shut down and rest from the hard day’s work, as we once thought. Instead, it is a state of altered consciousness, where our typical waking brain patterns are replaced by different ones. The human sleep is controlled by something called the circadian clock, or the circadian rhythm.  It is also known as the inner clock. It tells us when it’s best to sleep. It may vary from person to person, but only slightly. Any bigger discrepancy form the norm is considered a sleeping disorder.

Sleep stages

Two distinctive stages of sleep are REM and non REM sleep. Periods of human sleep usually repeat every 90 minutes. There tend to be 5 cycles per night with non-REM preceding REM phase, and then changing between them until waking up. Non-REM sleep is divided into three separate stages, with each having distinctive physiology and function. So even if you have enough time to sleep, skipping some of these stages can result in feeling tired afterwards.


This part of sleep comprises about 80 percent of all sleep in humans. Some common identifiers of non-REM sleep are a decrease in heart rate, body temperature and energy consumption. Even the brainwaves become slower and bigger. There are 3 stages of non-REM which precede one phase of REM in the sleep cycle.

NREM 1 or light sleep is the first stage, somewhere between wakefulness and sleep. Muscles are still active and can twitch. This is when hypnic jerks occur.

NREM 2 is a deeper kind of sleep. The muscle activity decreases and the sleeper becomes completely unaware of the external world.

NREM 3 or deep sleep is also known as slow-wave sleep. In this phase, most of the external stimuli provoke no reaction from the sleeper. This is the most restful phase of sleep, as it relieves the subjective feeling of sleepiness the most.


REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and it is most commonly associated with dreaming. The name itself is derived from the quick, involuntary movement of eye muscles. This part of the sleep cycle is often associated with a type of paralysis of skeletal muscles. During this stage, the sleeper’s EEG waves are quite similar to those of a wakeful person, but they are harder to awake than those in any other sleep stage. In addition to that, the brain seems to consume more oxygen and energy than in a wakeful state.

The real purpose of REM is unknown, but the lack of it makes higher cognitive function difficult to perform. Very young children tend to have more REM, but from the age of five, it reduces to just 2 hours per day.

In order to have a healthy night’s sleep, you need to go through all these phases uninterrupted. There are many ways to help you with this, but the first step is a comfortable and supportive mattress. If you’re in San Diego looking for a mattress and you need to catch up on your REM sleep, stop by San Diego Mattress Makers today and get a free nap 🙂 Come by our store or give us a call today.



Here Is Why the Latex Hybrid Mattress Is So Popular

Children in Bed with a Laptop - Latex Hybrid Mattress

We have all been witness to the shift in the perspective towards the eco-friendly and sustainable technologies. It is not surprising that we also have natural hybrid mattresses that fall into this category. After all, we spend a large portion of our lives sleeping. Therefore, being surrounded by safe eco-friendly materials during the most important part of our day just makes common sense.

Not all mattresses are created equal. The type that has been gaining a lot of attention in the mattress industry lately is the so-called Latex Hybrid mattress. Read on to find out what makes Latex Hybrid mattresses stand out.


The San Diego Mattress Makers Company has always taken pride in using natural materials in our latex and hybrid mattresses, creating the mattresses our customers can enjoy. The natural response mattress itself is a hybrid Comfort CoreTM mattress. What it means is that it combines the softness and the durability of the latex mattress, with the support and feel only a coil mattress can provide.


The latex hybrid mattress comes with individually wrapped coils. The coils have very limited interaction with one another, causing less motion transfer between two people. If your partner (or kids or pets) decide to jump all over one side of the bed, it will have drastically less effect on you than you’d expect if you are accustomed to traditional coil mattresses.

Natural materials

As mentioned before, San Diego Mattress Makers is dedicated to using natural materials to produce these fine mattresses. Latex Hybrid mattresses are composed of all-natural latex. The latex itself is not treated with any harsh chemicals, so no residual toxicity is an option. The wool used is New Zealand Joma wool, chemically untreated and natural. Finally, the cotton used to line the mattresses is 100% USDA and GOTS certified organic cotton. Just like the latex and the wool, it is not treated with and harmful chemicals, so you can rest assured that you and your family can have a healthy and happy sleep on these mattresses.


The latex layer brings the softness and the feeling of sleeping on a cloud, but it is the coils that provide the rigidness necessary in a quality mattress. And it is precisely this combination that makes this type of mattress an ideal solution for people who prefer the sturdy support, but aren’t willing to sacrifice the comfort. Of course, you get to choose the firmness of the top layer to your preference. Basically, you get the best of both – the support your body needs, and the comfort you want.

Added benefits

We have talked about the natural materials only from the aspect of not requiring strong toxic chemicals in the production process. That alone is a benefit to you as a consumer and for the planet, as the lack of toxic chemicals means less pollution. However, natural ingredients tend to have some (un)expected health benefits. The wool used is hypoallergenic, as it repels dust mites, mildew and mold. In addition, it also has fire retardant properties. The latex layer helps with thermoregulation; something we can all be thankful for during the hot summer nights.

Make the right decision for yourself and your family. Mattress Makers are more than just another mattress store, we manufacture and stand behind our products 100%. Visit our store and find your next mattress.

You Won’t Find the Right Mattress in San Diego Unless You Consider These

Mattress San Diego

There are so many kinds of mattresses that you might be overwhelmed when it comes to shopping for one. Do you want a firm one, or a soft one? Do you need springs or not? Is memory foam the best choice for you, or is latex better? Rest easy, for here is a short list of things to pay special attention to when shopping for a mattress. Shopping for a mattress in San Diego will be a breeze.

Remember that shopping for a mattress is a big investment, so you need to be sure you make the right choice. Since it is not a frequent purchase, you probably don’t know what to look out for. That’s where this list comes in to help.

Budget properly

You need a new mattress, but it doesn’t need to set you back beyond your means. Know how much you can spend, and plan accordingly. Spring mattresses tend to be on the cheaper side, while more exotic and durable materials cost more. You can expect the quality and durability of the mattress to depend heavily on the price. The cheaper end of the scale will only cost you a few hundred dollars, but it is also likely to only last a few years. More expensive ones can cost upwards of a thousand dollars, but their estimated durability is ten to twenty years.

Pick the right material

Ordinarily, there are three types of mattress filling: polyfoam, memory foam and latex, in the ascending order of durability (and cost). To figure out which one you need, here is a short rundown of all three types.

Polyfoam is used for the cheapest type of mattresses, and is sometimes recommended only for beds for occasional use (like guestbeds). If you go this way, know that the density of the foam will affect the durability of the mattress.

Memory foam is a type of polyfoam, which can mold itself and restore its previous shape once you leave the bed. This makes it more durable than the regular polyfoam. It still needs to be of proper density to be durable and comfortable, though.

Latex is the newest, and the most durable material for mattress production. It can be made of natural latex or synthetic one, with natural being better for obvious reasons.

Bring the pillow you sleep on

This goes without saying, but test out every mattress you consider buying. Give each of them five to ten minutes of your time. That’s the amount of time it takes for you to relax when lying down. The mattress itself is responsible for most of your sleeping comfort, but the pillow you use has a lot to do with it as well. If your pillow works for you, you should bring it with you to the store, so you can match it to the suitable mattress. If you don’t like your pillow, you can get one at the store as well. On a side note, you should probably wear clothes similar to the ones you sleep in, just to get the closest feeling possible. Don’t be too self-conscious about staying at the store for so long, or lying in bed in public. You might regret your squeamishness if you don’t choose the right mattress for yourself.

Firmness is relative, but important

Stores usually sort their mattresses into soft-medium-firm spectrum, but it isn’t uniform in all stores. What one calls medium soft, another might call extra soft and so on. Take these marks with a pinch of salt, but do consider them as broad guidelines, as your mattress firmness might be important.

Know your sleeping position

The way you sleep is very important to the type of mattress you need. If you sleep on your side, you have two pressure points, your shoulder and your hip. Consider a softer kind of mattress. On the other hand, if you sleep on your stomach, avoid soft mattresses to prevent neck and back pains. And if you sleep on your back, your mattress preference is the only guide you need.

Hopefully, this has shed some light on the intricacies of mattress shopping. If you are looking for a mattress in San Diego, look no further than Mattress Makers. Their sustainable, organic production will keep even the most avid environmentalists happy, and the prices are going to surprise you, as they come straight from the factory to you, with no middlemen.



How To Choose A Mattress According to Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping Positions - Mattress Store San Diego

It’s that time again. Your mattress has worn down and you need to buy a new one. It has been so long since you went mattress shopping (or it’s the first time you’re doing it alone). Do you even know where to start? How do you pick the right mattress store in San Diego? San Diego is full of choice, but before you rush in and buy the first thing that you see, consider your health first.

We sleep a comparatively large portion of our lives. This means that your new mattress will be a big part of your life. Like your shoes, or your office chair. You wouldn’t pick the wrong type of shoe to wear to work, would you? Do you need steel-toed work boots if you work in an office in San Diego; or high heels if you are a professional athlete? Probably not; so, pick your mattress according to your needs.

Don’t know where to start when mattress shopping? Download our free mattress shopping guide and become a mattress and sleep expert.

I am talking about mattress firmness. Different sleeping positions do different things to your body while sleeping. Some mattresses are better suited for some kinds of sleepers. There are three basic types of mattresses according to firmness.

  • soft
  • medium
  • firm

Their names are fairly self-explanatory, but bear in mind that not all stores will use these words; and not all stores have the same scale of measuring firmness. It is paramount that you test out the mattress prior to purchase. This is how you ensure that you get what you are looking for.

Three basic sleep positions

Broadly speaking, there are three sleeping positions;

  • sleeping on your back
  • sleeping on your side
  • sleeping on your stomach

There are, of course other types, but they are either subtypes of these three broad categories, or combinations of them. They will play no role in the mattress selection process.

Sleeping on your back

People who sleep on their back are the easiest people for shopping for mattresses. Their natural sleeping position keeps their spines in the correct ‘s’ shaped position, so no health implications may arise from choosing different firmness of a mattress. The only thing they need to take into consideration is their own personal preference. A little piece of advice, though; put a pillow or a cushion under your knees. This will help with the whole ‘correct posture’ thing mentioned above.

Sleeping on your side

Side sleepers press upon the mattress below them with two key points – their shoulders and their hips. This creates two points of high pressure. If you had a firm mattress, it would cause discomfort, resulting in inadequate sleep. Having a soft mattress is optimal, as the mattress itself re-distributes the pressure created at the focus points of your shoulders and hips. Alternatively, a medium mattress is acceptable if you prefer a bit firmer bed.

Sleeping on your stomach

This is said to be the unhealthiest sleeping position. Since most of our weight is in our stomachs, having it weighing us down makes proper posture and spinal position very difficult to attain. This is why you should not consider a soft mattress. It would only facilitate the unhealthy spinal position in a ‘u’ shape. Having your spine bend that way is a sure way to get neck and back pain. Stick to a firmer mattress.

All of these are just suggestions which you can consider or disregard at your whim. They are, however, useful and can help you find your way in the world of choice. Speaking of choice, where do you buy a mattress?

Premier mattress store San Diego residents can trust

You truly have a world of choice when it comes to mattress shopping in big cities, such as San Diego. However, if you are looking for a manufacturer who uses organic and sustainable materials, look no further than Mattress Makers. What sets Mattress Makers from others is that there are no middlemen between you and the manufacturers. Our showrooms display our products, and if none of our designs match your desires, tell us, and we can work together to create your dream mattress.


5 Tips To Finding The Right Mattress

How To Choose A Mattress For Your Kid?

Mattress for Kids

Buying a mattress for your child is an even bigger challenge than buying one for yourself. First of all, there’s the fact that they are growing and their bodies are constantly changing. Secondly, you want only the best for them, which adds some pressure to make just the right choice.

Let’s have a look at what you need to bear in mind when you are hunting for a kid mattress.

Kids grow fast.

When you buy a good quality mattress, it will last around 10 years, if not more. Your rug rat may be only 3 or 4 now, but imagine how tall he or she will be as a teenager.

A number of parents decide to get a twin bed for their little one, but that may not turn out so comfortable if you like cuddling with your child or reading bedtime stories to him or her. A full-size mattress is convenient because it gives your child space, which is important if they are restless sleepers. How many times do we find them in the morning with their heads where the feet should be?

Kids sleep more.

Because children are developing so quickly, they need regular rest and generally, around 9 or 10 hours of sleep. That means they spend more time in contact with the mattress, which makes it even more important to get one which is good quality.

Why? Traditional mattresses are regularly made of synthetic materials, like polyurethane, vinyl and PVC. These materials are known for off-gassing. The toxic gasses are most notable in the first few days or weeks after the purchase, but it typically continues for years without being detected, because we grow used to it.

Polyurethane is known to emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Formaldehyde can also be found because it’s used in adhesives. Even cotton materials can be full of pesticides, and the vast majority of mattresses have flame-retardant chemicals. All these substances and many more like benzene and naphthalene can cause headaches, respiratory problems, allergies and skin irritations.

Natural or organic materials and absence of petrochemicals are your best choice when choosing children mattresses.

Kids are building their posture.

Traditional wisdom says firm mattresses are better for the spine, right? Well, if you are an adult back sleeper this is probably true. Infants and babies should sleep on a firm mattresses because of the risk of SIDS, but young children are just fine on a plush or plush/ firm mattress. The thing is that their light weight prevents them from making significant impressions on the mattress. If they like sleeping on their side, a mattress that is too firm will not provide proper support for the natural curvature of the spine.

Natural latex is again the supreme choice, but pocketed coil is also excellent for support. High-quality innerspring mattress are also fine. Memory foam is problematic because of off-gassing.

Kids benefit from mattress protectors.

There are two reasons why you should give serious thought to children’s mattress protection. First, if your little one wets the bed, the cover will have the mattress live another day, as it were. A waterproof mattress protector will prevent the moisture from reaching the mattress and feeding dust mites or mold. Both of these are allergens and especially dangerous for asthma sufferers, which is another reason why you’d like to have a protector on your child’s mattress.

Modern mattress protectors are not crinkly plastic anymore. Now they are made from brushed, tightly-woven cotton which allows the sleeper’s skin to breathe and it is noiseless.


  • When you are deciding about the mattress size, bear in mind how quickly your child is growing and how long the mattress is expected to live.
  • Natural, organic materials without pesticides, VOCs and PDBE flame-retardants are best because of off-gassing which can cause health problems.
  • Plush mattresses are fine for young children because their weight is not likely to produce impressions.
  • Natural latex mattresses are absolutely the best investment because they are antibacterial, hypoallergenic and the most durable. Pocketed coil is the second-best choice. Innerspring mattresses with high-quality foam are also fine, if they are certified to be free of toxic materials. Memory foam is problematic because of off-gassing issues.
  • Waterproof brushed-cotton mattress protectors are very good against dust mites and mold.

Child mattresses in mattress stores in San Diego

As you are roaming mattress stores in San Diego, looking for a mattress for your child, make sure you visit Mattress Makers showroom in San Diego. We would be happy to answer your questions and address all your concerns. We are a family business with a decades-long experience and passion. Our specialty are custom mattresses, so we can meet all your requirements. Our products go from the factory straight to you – the fact we have no middle men means you can get the best children mattress for the most competitive price in the market!

5 Tips To Finding The Right Mattress


What Did People Use To Sleep On?

Renaissance bed - mattress stores San Diego

Renaissance bed - mattress stores San DiegoMattresses haven’t always been with us, at least not as we know them today. The concepts of health and comfort went through many transformations throughout the ages as we can see from the history of mattresses.


Ancient Egypt

Commoners used to sleep on piles of palm leaves stuffed in the corner, whereas pharaoh Tutankhamun had a bed of ebony and gold. It was in ancient Egypt, though, that people started lifting pallets off the floor.

Ancient Rome

Romans were well-known for their fondness of lavishness. The affluent often had beds made of gold, silver or bronze with mattresses stuffed with hay, feathers, wool or reed. Here’s a tidbit– they were onto water beds as early as then. What that looked like was: the sleeper would rest in warm water and when they got drowsy, they’d be lifted onto a cradle with a mattress. So, it’s more like some spa.

Middle Ages

It wasn’t uncommon for bedsteads, which weren’t particularly comfortable, to be propped up at a 45-degree angle, so that the sleeper could jump to fend off an attack, should it come to that.


Bedding was quite extravagant for the well-to-do ones and it included silk, brocade and velvet. Underneath the bedding, coarse-tick mattresses were stuffed with feathers, pea shucks or straw.

The 17th century

The legendary French king Louis XIV adored staying in bed and he was especially fond of luxurious and ostentatious bedsteads. He was even known to hold court in the royal bedroom.

The late 18th century

Cast iron and cotton mattresses came to use as they were less conducive to fostering insects and vermin. Yep, up until this point, bugs were accepted as part and parcel of a bed.

The 19th century

The first coil spring was patented in 1865.

The 20th century

In 1900 pocketed coil was patented by Mr. James Marshall. At the time, the invention was known as Marshall Coil.

Innerspring mattresses rose to popularity in the thirties, and in the forties futons were introduced to the US.

In the fifties, foam rubber mattresses emerged in the market.

In the sixties, the waterbed gained the shape we know today and two decades later, in the eighties, we saw the airbed for the first time.

The nineties saw a market victory for queen size mattresses and the two thousands are seeing an uptick in interest for latex mattresses, which are the best known so far because of their support and all-natural components.

Looking for a mattress?

5 Tips To Finding The Right Mattress