Should you Share Your bed With Your Pooch?

San Diego mattress stores about sleeping with your dog

San Diego mattress stores about sleeping with your dogThere are mixed signals whether or not you should get your Z’s with your dog in the bed. It’s a case-to-case thing, with arguments for both sides, really. Even though it doesn’t sound like something San Diego mattress stores could shed some light on, Mattress Makers does have some information to share on the matter, since we are experts for all things mattress. Here’s the info we could find on this subject.

Come here!

Sleeping with your dog can have manifold benefits to your mental health and overall well-being. Here are some situations in which it would be good for you to cuddle up with your furry friend at night.

  • If you have problems falling asleep, the presence of your dog could have a sedative effect on you. The rhythm of their breath, the warmth or the feel of their weight in the bed can make you feel more relaxed and safe.
  • If your room feels a bit nippy from time to time, your dog can act like a natural electric blanket or like a personal fireplace.
  • If you are prone to depression, cuddling with your dog while sleeping increases the levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a chemical that causes feelings of happiness and bonding. It’s even dubbed the “cuddle hormone”.
  • If your dog tends to be anxious and insecure, allowing him or her to sleep with you could improve their self-confidence and feeling of happiness and in turn, reduce their anxiety.

Get off, girl!

Sleeping with your doggie is not all roses, though. There are situations when it’s not advisable that you invite your dog into your bed. And these are:

  • If you have allergies, you should ban your dog from your bed and your bedroom. Yup, probably sounds harsh, but that’s the best thing you can do for your nose. Your body needs some rest from the pet dander and it’s best to ensure your bedroom is dander-free.
  • If your dog is a restless sleeper and disturbs your sleeping, you should consider transferring your dog at the foot of the bed. A huge proportion of those with sleeping disorders report they sleep with pets who scratch them, hog the cover, roll around the bed or keep kicking them.
  • If your dog likes to get in between you and your partner, it could be better for your relationship or marriage to get the dog out. Cuddling to your partner improves intimacy and you shouldn’t let your dog jeopardize that.
  • If your dog is overly territorial or has a propensity for dominance, it’s best not to let him or her sleep with you, as that could exacerbate their behavior issues. For example, they could feel threatened if your child tries to climb into bed.

What’s the takeaway?

The takeaway is that there’s no reason why you shouldn’t sleep with your dog, if he or she is well-kept and looked after, healthy and has no dominance issues and you’re are not allergic to pet dander. Deciding not to sleep with him or her is also perfectly fine and understandable. Getting your dog out of your bed doesn’t have to mean they can’t enjoy a cozy bed. Get them a custom made mattress that will ensure they are comfortable, warm and snug. A high-quality mattress will also prevent or relieve joint problems and some health issues.

Don’t browse San Diego mattress stores for a custom mattress – we have it!

Save yourself the trouble looking for a mattress for your dog’s bed which is high-quality, but has a reasonable price tag. Mattress Makers is a local family business with a decades of experience in the industry and a true passion for mattresses. Our premium-quality mattresses reach you right from the factory. We have no middlemen, just exceptional quality, superior craftsmanship skills and exquisite customer care. Visit us in the showroom or reach out to us at  858-566-4408 – we’d love to talk to you!

Latex Mattresses vs. Spring Coil Mattresses

San Diego mattress stores - latex or spring coil

San Diego mattress stores - latex or spring coilHave you already been on a tour around San Diego mattress stores? Whether you are scrounging information up to make a good shopping decision or whether you are simply interested to know the difference for some future consideration, read on. Here are the most important points.

The basics

First off, you should be aware that both latex and spring coil mattresses come in numerous varieties. Not all latex mattresses are created equal, and the same goes for innerspring ones. You can find both in top-quality and cheap varieties.

Latex mattresses are best when labelled as all-natural. Otherwise, you can come across synthetic latex mattresses and “natural” mattresses infused with synthetic latex, memory foam and other chemicals. An all-natural latex mattress is a best guarantee for a healthy sleep, with zero off-gassing and unwanted allergens. Depending on the production process, different firmness levels can be achieved.

Spring coil mattresses are the familiar, traditional mattresses. The technology has advanced in leaps and bounds across decades, so now there are top tier varieties like pocketed spring coil mattresses. Mattresses with innerspring contain foam, memory foam or even latex, such as hybrid latex mattresses. Buyers should be careful about the materials that go into the composition of innerspring mattresses – they often contain gassy or unhealthy substances like formaldehyde. Ask whether the manufacturer whether any harmful substances were used.

Comfort and support

If you don’t have any health issues, a quality, well-kept innerspring mattress can be a very good choice for you. Mattress Makers use only 1.8lb density foam in our hand-made innerspring mattresses, which makes for better support and longevity. However, if you are in the market with specific requirements, you could be better off with a pocketed spring coil, hybrid latex or all-natural latex.

Pocketed coil mattresses are great if your partner is a restless sleeper. The reduced motion transfer means your sleep is unlikely to be interrupted if your partner gets up a lot in the night, rolls around or if your bed gets silently invaded at night by your kids or pets.

A latex mattress can be customizable, with two sides of the bed made to fit different comfort preferences. You can’t beat that. A latex mattress also has reduced motion transfer. For those who suffer from back issues or joint problems, latex is unrivaled for its lack of pressure points.


Depending on the quality of materials and manufacturing technology, spring coil mattress can last up to around 10 years. If you turn them regularly, they can provide you comfort with minimum sinking and sagging throughout that time.

Latex mattresses can come with a 20-year warranty. In any case, they are market champions when durability is concerned.

Health and sustainability

Health can be an issue with spring coil mattresses if you don’t pay attention to their certificates. Mattress Makers use only CertiPUR-US high-density foam in our spring coil mattresses, to ensure that your sleep is healthy.

Natural latex mattresses are produced in a superior way. Rubber trees are fertilized with organic, pesticide-free products, and rubber trees are replanted. Latex mattresses made by Mattress Makers are certified by Oeko-Tex and Global Organic Latex Standard.

The takeaway is: whereas natural organic latex mattresses outshine all other mattresses as far as health and sustainability go, you can also get innerspring mattresses that adhere to very high health standards.

What’s the final take?

Innerspring mattresses will go easier on your budget, if out-of-pocket expenses are an issue for you at the moment. Even though they are more budget-friendly, you should be careful to get a high-quality spring coil mattress, to get the best value for money.

Latex mattresses are the best and longest-lasting investment in the quality of your sleep. Even though they are on the higher end of the price range, not all premium quality latex mattresses will break your bank.

Stop canvassing San Diego mattress stores

Stop trying to wriggle your way out of the term, price and quality conundrum. Stop by Mattress Makers’ showroom – we’ll take the headache out of your mattress hunt. A local, family owned business with an enviable tradition and a deep passion, we love what we do and deliver our superior products directly to you. Free of middlemen, we are able to provide you handmade boutique mattresses of premium craftsmanship at the most affordable prices in the market. Come see us now!

What Your Dog Sleeps on Counts!

San Diego Mattress Store - Dog Bed

San Diego Mattress Store - Dog BedSome statistics say that there are 78 million dogs in the USA and that around 44% of all American households have a pooch. We’re a dog-loving nation! It’s no wonder we also spend a good deal of our family budget on our furry friends. The same statistics source also cites that average dog owners spend a little over $1,600 a year to take good care of their pets. Pet expenditure has been on a marked and steady rise for decades now. But, are we buying the right stuff for our four-legged friends?

The point in question is – what does your dog sleep on? We’re asking because, being a trusted local San Diego mattress store, we are experts on beds and mattresses of any kind. So, did you just throw an old blanket or rug in the corner of the room? Did you just buy a dog bed that complemented your home décor? Or did you buy one because it seemed cute?

A number of dog lovers advocate that dogs are animals and shouldn’t be humanized. They maintain that we shouldn’t suffocate their animal instincts by over-pampering them with specifically designed dog beds. While it is true that dogs descended from wolves, we have to acknowledge that they have been domesticated and kept in domestic conditions for almost countless centuries. Secondly, even wolves have dens and are used to sleeping in a place of their own. So, it’s in the dogs’ instincts to have their own place to bunk in.

Why is a dog mattress important?

A dog bed with a quality dog mattress is an investment well-worth it. Here’s why.

Dogs are territorial, some more so than others. If they have a bed of their own, they have their haven, their personal space where they can relax and feel protected. A bed just for them sends a message that they have a place in the family. And if that bed is comfortable, it’s much more likely that your dog will leave your bed alone. The American Pet Product Association, which presented the statistics mentioned in the beginning of the article, have also found that almost half of dogs sleep in their owner’s bed.

Cleanliness can be an issue if you have a dog who sheds a lot, or one that leaves around a lot of dander. When dogs have their own bed, chances are higher that the hair, dander, and odor, will be concentrated in one place, away from your bed or upholstery.

A quality comfy bed protects against injuries. Sleeping on hard surfaces over a long period of time can cause sores in your dog, which can go unobserved for quite a while. If you have a dog that is old, suffers from joint problems or has a predisposition for this kind of ailment, a high quality bed is a must.

In both cold and hot climates, a dog bed will provide much needed insulation. If your dog can’t sleep well, it will invariably reflect on their behavior. Living in California, you know that nights can also be hot, preventing you from falling into a regenerating sleep.

What should you look for in a doggie bed?

If you decide to get a bed for your dog the right way, you want it to be:

  • Durable
  • Big enough
  • Supportive
  • Hypoallergenic

If you buy a high-quality doggie bed, you don’t have to think about it for years to come. You also wouldn’t like to get a bed that would wear down quickly. Dogs grow fond of the familiarity of their bed, just like we do.

Concerning the size, it’s probably best to measure your dog and then add five or more inches in length and width to get the perfect size. It’s because dogs will sprawl when lying, stretching in all directions, and you don’t want a bed that can’t support your dog’s sleeping positions.

Support is a crucial point for older dogs and those with arthritis or joint issues. What you want to avoid are beds in which your pooch will only sink. Those where the filling simply moves around are also problematic.

Hypoallergenic dog beds will stave off allergies or allergy outbreaks. Your furry friend is also likely to bring dirt into their bed, so you want a superior material that will not prove a hotbed for germs, mites and fleas.

Get a custom made superior quality mattress from a trusted San Diego mattress store

Mattress Makers are very old hands in this industry. We are a local family business with a long tradition, impressive portfolio and a burning passion for our craft. Get custom made mattresses of premium quality for your pooch – there is literally no mattress that is too small or big for us. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 858-566-4408 or visit our showroom and see for yourself why you won’t find a better mattress for your dog than that made by Mattress Makers.

How Does Daylight Saving Time Affect our Sleep?

Man Wakes With a Headache - Mattress in San DiegoOn March 12th the USA changed its clocks one hour forwards. Instead of 2 AM, it was changed to 3 AM, essentially robbing us of one hour of quality sleep. So what is daylight saving and why does it exist? More importantly, does it affect our sleep and how?

We can all agree that sleep is important for normal functioning. So anything that disrupts this sleep needs to be scrutinized and determined if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

When was it invented?

There were previous proposals as early as the late 18th century for some form of daylight saving. However, it was in the early 20th century in the German and Austro-Hungarian empires that this was first implemented. The practice spread to the whole of the European continent and finally to the USA.

Why was it needed?

The primary reason for this practice was reducing the use of incandescent lights, such as gas light or candles in the evening, by using the fact that the sun rises earlier in the summer.

Does everybody do it?

Actually, the majority of the world does not have this tradition. The practice is pretty limited to Europe and some of their former colonies, such as the USA, Canada, South Africa and parts of Australia. The USA overseas territories such as Guam, Marianas, American Samoa and Puerto Rico do not use it at all, and neither do the states of Hawaii and Arizona.

Does everybody do it the same way?

In other countries, daylight saving does exist, but the European Union, for example, has a different schedule, with the summer time this year officially starting on March 26th. Other countries have their own schedules as well.

Does it affect sleep?

There is a general consensus that there is an impact of this shift in time on our sleep patterns, which can negatively affect our general health. Americans sleep less than recommended even as it is, so this one lost hour can have a noticeable effect on our health.

Inner clocks

You may move your phone or computer clock an hour ahead and say it’s the correct time, but our inner clocks are a bit more difficult to fool. That’s why the majority of symptoms associated with daylight saving shift are felt early in the week. Our inner clocks need more time to adjust, so feeling drowsy and sleepy at work or in general during the first few days can be expected.

More heart attacks

Mondays are hard, sure, but when combined with the recent change of time, and the lack of sleep which comes as a result, the result can be shocking. Studies have shown that there is a sharp 25% increase in heart attacks on the Monday following the time shift compared to any other Monday of the year.

Oddly enough, the same study, named “Daylight Savings Time and Myocardial Infarction” found that when daylight saving ends in the fall, that Monday experiences a 21% drop in heart attacks. It really does appear that that one extra hour means a lot.


There is also a spike in the cases of strokes in the days immediately following the time shift, though not as sharp as with heart attacks. The rationale seems to be the same. Sleep disturbance which comes from the disrupted internal clock affects the overall health, including circulation. This can ultimately lead to a stroke.

Find A Perfect Mattress in San Diego

This tradition seems to have some adverse effects on sleep and health. It’s a good idea, then, to start preparing your body for this change a bit in advance so that the shock is not so sudden. Another thing you can do is get a quality mattress to ensure the best sleep quality. If you are buying a mattress in San Diego, visit Mattress Makers in our showroom in San Diego, or contact us to learn more about our offers.

Here’s how Much Sleep you Should get According to Your age

Sleepy Baby Yawning - Mattress Store San DiegoWe can all agree that getting enough quality night sleep is important. However, some of us are not getting enough of it for a variety of reasons. The standard 8 hours per night may not be as accurate as you think it is. In fact, each person has different needs when it comes to sleep. Additionally, people of different ages can vary drastically when it comes to the amount of sleep they need because they use sleep for different processes.

An important factor in getting enough sleep once you go to bed is a good mattress. In order to select an ideal mattress for yourself, visit Mattress Makers, a fantastic mattress store in San Diego, or contact us online for further information.


Newborn babies tend to sleep the most, compared to other ages in human life. The optimal time they should spend sleeping is between 14 and 17 hours. It can go up or down an hour or two, but it is not recommended to deviate from this timetable.


Infants who are older than 3 months will progressively reduce the amount of time they sleep, but not very much. About two hours less than newborns is the norm. Naturally, it may deviate slightly.


Children in their second year begin to explore their world in earnest. This means that they spend a lot of energy which needs to be replenished by sleep. However, it also means that they are eager to be awake more. Their sleep requirement drops once again, but only slightly; an hour is typical.


Children aged 3-5 are often even more physically active than toddlers. They typically get some sort of a nap during the day to compensate for the active day they often have. Still, their need for sleep is still pretty high during the night, with around 10 to 13 hours of a night’s sleep.

School kids

Pre-puberty school children, while still pretty physically active, begin to be seriously active intellectually as well. This changes their sleep needs somewhat, reducing the total number of hours needed for sleep to the more adult-like 9 to 11 hours.


Teenagers often get a bad rep as lazy. This comes from the disconnect between their sleep needs and the expectations of the adults that they are (becoming). Teenagers actually still need at least 8 hours, but it is perfectly normal to need 10, and for some, even an hour more.

Young adults

Young adults are at the cusp of adulthood, but since not everyone develops at the same time, this category is useful as a divider between the still-developing teenagers, and fully grown adults. Most of the people this age (18-26) will adapt to the standard 8 hours of sleep. However, the recommendation always leaves a bit of space, so anything between 6 and 10 is acceptable, though the border values are not ideal.


Most people who are concerned with the amount of sleep they are getting belong in this category. Fully grown humans need around 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Like with young adults, there is a bit of space for extremes. That said, 6 to 10 is again within the norm, but probably not preferred.


Finally, people over 65 years of age tend to reduce the amount of time they need to sleep to achieve the same effect. Their ideal amount is 7 to 8 hours, with even as little as 5 or 6 being acceptable.

These recommendations tend to reflect the amount of sleep which ensures that our health remains unaffected by the lack of sleep. If you feel comfortable with other sleeping arrangements, and as long as you are not damaging your health, feel free to keep your sleep cycle. Another thing that helps with quality sleep is a good mattress. Mattress Makers is the best mattress store in San Diego. Contact us online to learn more, or visit our San Diego showroom.

The Most Common Causes of Insomnia

Insomniac Woman - Mattress Store in San DiegoWe have all been there, trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep, ending up wide awake and still tired in the morning. Insomnia can be acute, and fortunately, this is the most common type. However, for some people, insomnia is a chronic state and more often than not they do not get enough sleep.

There are several factors which may affect how much sleep you are getting. If you are experiencing insomnia, it may be due to a bad mattress. Mattress Makers is a fantastic mattress store in San Diego, which offers a wide range of comfortable and quality mattresses. Once you are sure you have the best mattress possible, we can start to list some of the most common insomnia causes.


Probably the biggest cause of insomnia in the developed world, stress is a contributing factor in a lot of different medical conditions as well. People mostly worry about work or financial issues, which leads to sleepless nights. If this trend persists, insomnia becomes chronic and starts affecting the overall quality of life.

Medical conditions

A variety of medical conditions can make sleeping at night uncomfortable or nearly impossible. Starting from quite common ones like the flu or allergies that keep us up through discomfort, to chronic pain and arthritis, illnesses can take a toll on our regular sleep. Some more serious illnesses such as Parkinson’s or cancer may also keep you awake through the night.

Furthermore, various medications can also be meddling with your regular sleep patterns. Many cold and allergy medications are often the cause of insomnia as well, but birth control, blood pressure and depression medication have all been linked with insomnia as well.

Depression and anxiety

Not only physical illnesses can cause insomnia. Conditions such as depression and anxiety are also prime candidates for insomnia. It is a vicious cycle where depression can trigger insomnia, and insomnia, in turn, worsen the depression. These two are actually very commonly linked, but both conditions are manageable.

Anxiety is strongly linked to stress and thus can lead to insomnia. Overthinking past or future events is the perfect trigger to over stimulate the brain and trigger insomnia. If this persists, another vicious circle begins, where the person fears not getting enough sleep before going to bed, which triggers anxiety, which leads to insomnia once again. This is often described as feeling “restless”.


The choices you make during the day affect your sleep patterns. People who choose to work at home really late run the risk of over-stimulating their brains and not being able to relax in time for sleep. For some people, it can also be detrimental to take naps during the day. It causes a disruption in the circadian rhythm and triggers insomnia. Trying to catch up on sleep during the weekend is also considered a bad idea since it tends to confuse your circadian rhythm.


Things you put in your body can affect the quality of your sleep. Some substances and food can lead to insomnia. The prime candidate for this is alcohol. Even though we assume it helps us sleep, it is actually a sedative, knocking us out initially, but causing sleep problems later during the night. This is why very drunk people pass out, but usually sleep quite poorly.

Caffeine is another substance that disrupts sleep. In fact, this is specifically what we use it for, to keep ourselves awake and alert. However, excess caffeine causes insomnia and can stay in your system for eight hours. Finally, big meals before bedtime are a bad idea if you are looking to get some good night sleep.

Making sure that you follow all these rules can be tedious and difficult but try to follow as many as you can, and you should be free of insomnia. One thing you can do quite easily is make sure you sleep on the best mattress possible. If you are looking for a mattress store in San Diego, visit Mattress Makers for the best deals and a wide range of products.

How Sleep Works in the Animal World

Cat Asleep on the Bed - Matress in San DiegoWe are constantly told that sleep is important for normal functioning of our organisms. And it is true; we need around 8 hours of (most commonly) nocturnal sleep when our bodies and minds can rest and reset for the next day. Finding the proper mattress to sleep on is probably one of the most important things we can do to ensure proper sleep. If you are looking for the perfect mattress in San Diego, consider visiting Mattress Makers.

So we have to sleep to function normally. Is this trait ubiquitous to all creatures, or is it just us? Do all animals sleep? And if they do, how do they do it and for how long?

Who sleeps?

The sleep as we know it is present is some form or another in all species of mammals and birds. It can also be found in some species of reptiles, amphibians and fish, although not all species of these classes of animals seem to need it. Sleep is even present in some species of insects as well.

Circadian rhythm

Even those animals who do not experience sleep as we know it, are governed by the circadian rhythm. This is a kind of an inner clock which tells the animal when the optimal time for activity is, and when to lay low. This inner clock is almost exclusively governed by the sun. So, nocturnal animals will lay low when they experience sunlight, and the diurnal ones will do the opposite. In fact, animal sleep is so similar to our own, that we can identify several sleep disorders that affect humans in various animals. The most commonly affected animals are pets, but other animals can also experience them. Disorders such as insomnia, night terrors and narcolepsy prove that sleep is a common trait developed by all vertebrates.

Interesting examples

Even though it is found quite commonly in vertebrates, sleep isn’t the same for every species. It was shaped by the evolution and the environment where the species live. They have to balance between the need to sleep and the dangers of not being on alert at all times. So the duration and the ways of sleeping are different from species to species.


Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain actually falling asleep, while the other half looks out for danger and performs all the necessary regular functions. After a few hours, the sides switch, so the other half can get its well-earned rest. Dolphins aren’t alone in this practice, creatures such as some bats, ducks and iguanas do it as well.


These tall giants are in a constant danger from predators. It is no wonder then that they sleep very little. Some estimates guess as little as 20 minutes per day, while a more realistic figure is around two hours. And who can blame them? Their sleeping position looks fairly uncomfortable.

Sea otters

You may have heard of this before, but sea otters sleep while holding hands. This may sound cute, but it actually serves an important purpose. They sleep on their backs in water. In order to keep themselves from drifting away from each other, they hold each other’s hands.

Sea birds

Large sea birds such as albatrosses tend to spend a lot of time in the air. On land, they are clumsy and awkward, and it takes them a long time to gain flight again. But once airborne, these birds transform into true aces, able to sustain flight for days and weeks on end. It is believed that they also sleep during that time while flying.

There are plenty of other unusual sleeping arrangements that animals make for themselves. Most people, though, prefer a nice bed with a good mattress. If you are on the lookout for a good mattress in San Diego, visit Mattress Makers, the best custom mattress makers in the county, or check out the offer online!

Parasites: the Unwelcome Guests in our beds

Dust mites - Mattresses in San DiegoThis topic is somewhat unsavory, since we are naturally repulsed by the idea of various insects and similar animals crawling in our beds, especially while we are sleeping in them. Luckily, all of these pest problems are easily solvable, and with a good mattress, you really have nothing to worry about.

And if you believe it is time to swap out your old mattress for a new one, try the best mattresses in San Diego, proudly presented by Mattress Makers. All types and sizes of mattresses can be found in our San Diego showroom.


The most common human parasite, the louse, \has been with the human race since its inception most likely. This parasite comes in three varieties, depending on the region of the body it attacks. We are most familiar with the head louse, which chooses our head hair as its dwelling, which provides ample place to hide and lay eggs. The second type is the pubic louse, which are also known as ‘crabs’. You can infer from its name that it chooses the pubic region as its domain. Finally, there is the body louse. This particular type doesn’t have a specific region it attacks, but rather lives in our clothes or beds, and attacks when we are asleep. All three types of lice have one thing in common- they feed on blood. And as if that weren’t bad enough, they are known to carry various diseases in their bodies, which can be transferred to their victims. Typhoid fever, trench fever and relapsing fever are among the most common illnesses carried by these nasty parasites. Luckily, there are very effective chemical treatments for exterminating lice nowadays.


The epitome of bed parasites, bedbugs are extremely unpleasant. They cower from light in any cracks they can find, be it in the walls, floors, or even inside your mattress. These nocturnal parasites also feed on blood, and they locate their prey, i.e. you, by your body heat and the CO2 which you exhale. These horrible parasites have two proboscises (tubes). One of these injects you with an anti-coagulant and an anesthetic, so you can’t feel the sting, while the other one sucks the blood. The itching only begins a few days later, so by the time you realize you have an infestation, the bugs have fed on your blood for at least a couple of days. Getting rid of them is not as easy and straightforward as with lice, though.

House dust mites

To end on a slightly lighter note, dust mites are by far the least aggressive and dangerous creatures on this list. Even though they are not parasites, they are omnipresent in indoor environments, and can cause allergies and asthma. They feed on organic waste, such as our skin flakes and hair. They are drawn to older mattresses, as there is plenty of food and shelter for them there.

These parasites have plagued humans for generations. But with better hygiene and better mattresses, we can at least minimize the likelihood of an infestation. Getting rid of an old mattress is a good start towards a healthier environment. When shopping for mattresses in San Diego, your first and only stop should be Mattress Makers. Contact today to learn more about the right kind of mattress for you.

Custom Mattresses

Heart mattress - Mattress Store in San DiegoDo you have some special design in mind for your bed, but are afraid that you won’t be able to find a suitable mattress for it? Well, fear no more. There are specialized companies which design custom made mattresses to fit your needs. And if you have always wanted to do something a bit different with your bed, but simply don’t have an idea, here is a list of some atypical custom mattresses.

For all your custom mattress needs, Mattress Makers is the premier mattress store in San Diego. If you can dream it, we can build it.

Round mattresses

Whether you are really into having your own round bed, or you are furnishing a hotel room, this unique shape is not something you are likely to find on the free market. However, custom mattress makers can build one for you from scratch. And if you choose right, you won’t break bank more than is reasonable.

Heart-shaped mattresses

This romantic shape is ideal for newlyweds, or anyone who still feels like one. Additionally, various love-themed hotels would be a prime customer for this design. As the heart is a particularly tricky design, with all the curves and edges, only skilled mattress makers should be considered for building one.

Boat mattresses

Boats often do not have sleeping quarters which are comparable to regular land beds. This is why they often have different bed dimensions. What this means for a prospective boat owner is having a tailor made mattress to suit the pre-existing sleeping quarters. This can be a great thing, since you can build one from the ground up, or rather, the water up. You get to choose the materials and colors which are going to be used.

RV mattresses

What was said about boats is true for RVs as well. Likely even more so, since the sleeping section is likely to be even smaller. A custom made mattress is an ideal opportunity to be involved in the whole process of mattress making, and ensures that you get what you want for your RV. Be as comfortable in your mobile home as you would be in your stationary one.

Big mattresses

Have you ever wanted a really big bed? Not the king size one, even bigger than that? If you can build it, a mattress maker will make a matching mattress, if you pick the right company to make your dream come true, that is.

Small mattresses

Similarly to the exceptionally large mattresses, really small mattresses are hard to come by in regular mattress stores in San Diego. However, if you have your mind set on having one, who’s to say that you can’t have it. Custom mattress makers can create one especially for you, to your exact specifications. Whether you want it for a bassinet you built yourself, or for a pet bed, your dreams can become reality.

Themed beds

Nowadays, very few things are fixed and cannot be customized. From cars to PCs, we change everything to suit our needs and desires. So why not beds as well. Some intrepid people have already done things like this. Star Wars fans have designed mattresses in the shape of the Millennium Falcon; hardcore patriots can now sleep on a mattress shaped like the USA.

Mattress Makers is a company which can create custom mattresses to your liking, and for a reasonable price at that. What’s more, the materials which go into the mattress are of the finest quality and you get to pick the type of mattress you prefer. If this article has sparked your curiosity and creativity, contact Mattress Makers to learn more and get your custom mattress from the best mattress store in San Diego.

Unusual Beds – Part 2

Hammock - Mattress Stores in San Diego

We have recently posted a list of unusual beds you may find yourself sleeping on. However, the list was so long that we simply had to split it in two parts. This is the continuation of the list, with even stranger (and less feasible) bed options. You won’t find these beds in mattress stores in San Diego.

Air bed

Many of us have encountered an air mattress at some point in our lives. The cheap variety is simply a rubber, (or rubber coated in some fabric) inflatable bed. Many of us have it for emergencies or for unexpected guests. These cheaper varieties are no different from the inflatable beds used at swimming pools and seaside resorts. Another common variety of an air bed is the camping under-mattress. It is usually thinner and has some sort of insulation on the bottom. However, there are actual bed mattresses which are filled with air, similar to the water beds we wrote about previously. These are relatively new and have some advantages over the traditional beds. For one, they can help relieve back pain. In addition to that, they tend to be hypoallergenic (similarly to water beds). However, the quality of ingredients used is not always certain, so toxicity may be a problem with some brands.

A hammock

The sailors’ choice all over the world, the hammock is rarely viewed as an actual bed option. Despite this notion in popular culture, hammocks have served as primary beds to various peoples the world over. The simplest form of a hammock is a rope net which is fixed at two opposite sides and suspended in the air. The Americas, the Caribbean and Mexican regions are well known for having cultures that sleep in these. Popular materials in this part of the world are tree bark and rope. In the modern age USA, we use hammocks predominantly for resting, commonly suspending them in our back yards, or in parks to read and share leisure time.

Swing bed

If you enjoy the idea of gently swinging while sleeping, but you can’t imagine relinquishing your soft mattress for a hammock, there are swing beds. Essentially, it is a full size bed which is put on a platform which is then suspended from the roof of the room. This contraption may look appealing, but it is pretty hard to make.

Net loft

If, however, you desire the softness and freedom of the hammock, but cannot abide the rocking, there are net lofts. Exactly as it sounds, a net loft is just a loft bed with a net instead of a regular mattress. Getting up might be a challenge though, with all those holes your legs could slip through.

Magnetic bed

There are a few types of beds which boast the ‘floating’ attribute. However, most of them are either suspended by invisible lines, or rest on transparent platforms, or have some other clever trick. And then, there is the magnetic bed. This particular design uses powerful magnets to keep the bed floating in the air. Even though it sounds pretty impressive and cool, it may not be the best option in the long run. Oh, and maybe the price tag of $1.6 million will sway you away from this choice.

Ice bed

Some hotels offer the chance to sleep on an actual ice bed made from a block of ice. The whole ice hotel fascination doesn’t sound particularly sustainable in the long run, though. You will either catch a cold, or your bed will melt in the spring. I would recommend reconsidering this as your primary sleeping option.

Many people choose these unusual beds for one reason or the other. However, most of us still use a conventional bed with a conventional mattress. If you are looking to replace your mattress and are looking for a mattress store in San Diego, consider visiting Mattress Makers. Contact us at 858 566 4408 for further information.